Guelma Postal Code
Guelma Postal Code
Postal code in Guelma also know Guelma zip code, Guelma Algeria postal code system was developed by the Algerie Poste in 2002, used a 5-digit XXXXX postal code system to identify the graphical area and locate places in Guelma Algeria. where first 2-digit represent the proviance and the last three digit post office in the city.
There are total 51 Postal code and 222 Post office in Guelma Algeria.
Postal code example of Guelma Postal Code 24025, where 24 is Guelma city code and 025 is Ain Amara Post office.
1. How many digits are there in a Guelma Algeria postal codes?
Guelma Algeria used a 5-digit postal code system.
2. How many Postal code in Guelma Algeria?
There are total 51 Postal code in Guelma Algeria
3. What is the postal code for Ain Bellaioune, Guelma?
Ain Bellaioune, Guelma postal code is 24050.
Hakim Douibi
41 Boulevard Krim Belkacem
24050 - Taya