Warwick Parish Postal code
When you visit Bermuda, Warwick Parish is one of the nine places you can go. Robert Rich, the 2nd Earl of Warwick, is the name of the place where you can go (1587-1658). It is in the middle of the island chain in the central south. It is part of the main island to the southeast of the Great Sound, the large expanse of water that dominates the geography of western Bermuda. It also includes a number of smaller islands that are in the sound. Across the street from Southampton Parish in the southwest, it is joined by Paget Parish in the north. In the same way that most of the parishes in Bermuda are small, St. George's is just over 2.3 square miles big. During 2016, it had 9,002 people. Warwick Long Bay, Riddell's Bay, Darrell's Island, Hawkins Island, Long Island, and Marshall's Island are some of the natural things in Warwick. There was once a place called Hinson's Island that was part of Warwick, but now it is in the parish of Paget. The parish also has Warwick Camp, the former rifle ranges of the Imperial military garrison, which is now home to the Bermuda Regiment. Most of the parkland in the parish is also used as parkland (and the territory of which includes Warwick Long Bay, Horseshoe Bay, and the smaller beaches between). There's a Presbyterian church in Warwick called Christ Church. It is one of the world's first churches outside of Europe, and it's called Christ Church. People have been going to it since 1719. It is a part of the Church of Scotland. On May 11, 1999, Warwick Pond was made a Ramsar site, which means it is important to protect.