Bumthang Zip code

Bumthang Postal Code / Bumthang Zip code

Bumthang postal code is also known as Bumthang postcode, Bumthang Bhutan postal code system was developed by the BhutanPost to identify the graphical area and locate places in Bumthang. and used a 5-digit postal code format XXXXX.


1. What is the format of a Bumthang Bhutan postal code?
Bumthang Bhutanese postal code is a 5-digit (NNNNN).

2. does Bumthang have zip code?
Bumthang zip code is similar to postal code in Bumthang.

About Bumthang

Bumhang was one of Bhutans nine historical provinces, and it is now called Bumthang. Bumthang Province took over land in the north-central part of Bhutan. It was run from the Jakar Dzong in the city of Jakar. It was called the Dzongpen of Bumthang, but this didnt mean that the Penlop of Trongsa, who controlled eastern Bhutan, was in charge. Bhutan is made up of 20 districts called dzongkhag. Bumthang is one of them. In terms of how many old temples and sacred places there are, it is the most old dzongkhag. Ura, Chumey, Tang, and Choekhor are the four mountain valleys that make up the district of Bumthang. Occasionally, the entire district is referred to as the Bumthang Valley. ""Beautiful field"" is what the word ""bumthang"" means. Thang means a field or a flat place, and bum is said to be an abbreviation of either bumpa (a holy water container), or simply bum (""girl,"" indicating this is the valley of beautiful girls). After the Jambay Lhakhang was built, the name is said to have come up, too.

What is Bumthang Address Format?

Tshering Wangchuk
House No. 123 Tshogong Building
Bumthang Bhutan

What is Bumthang Zipcode Format?
Bumthang Bhutan Postal code format