Novi Grad Postal code

Novi Grad Postal code / Novi Grad Postanski broj

Novi Grad postal code also called (Postanski broj), Novi Grad postal code system was developed  by the national postal service JP BH Posta to the graphical area and locate places in Novi Grad. The postal code in Novi Grad consists of five digits postal code and postal code format is XXXXX,  The first two digits indicating the delivery area. And the last three digits indicating the specific post office or delivery zone. 

There are total 4 postal code in Novi Grad, Bosnia and Herzegovina


1. How many digits are there in a Novi Grad postal codes?
Novi Grad BH used a 5-digit postal code system.

2. What is the postal code for Sarajevo - TC Merkur, BH?
Sarajevo - TC Merkur postal code is 71168.

Novi Grad Bosnia and Herzegovina Address Format

Faris Halilovic
Jaroslava Aernija 3
71120 Sarajevo
Novi Grad
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Novi Grad Bosnia and Herzegovina Postal code Format
Novi Grad Bosnia and Herzegovina Postal code format