Alagoas Zip code

57490-000 - agua Branca
57660-000 - Anadia
57300-000 - Arapiraca
57690-000 - Atalaia
57925-000 - Barra de Santo Antonio
57180-000 - Barra de Sao Miguel
57420-000 - Batalha
57630-000 - Belem
57435-000 - Belo Monte
57680-000 - Boca da Mata
57830-000 - Branquinha
57570-000 - Cacimbinhas
57770-000 - Cajueiro
57968-000 - Campestre
57250-000 - Campo Alegre
57350-000 - Campo Grande
57530-000 - Canapi
57780-000 - Capela
57535-000 - Carneiros
57760-000 - Cha Preta
57325-000 - Coite do Noia
57975-000 - Colonia Leopoldina
57140-000 - Coqueiro Seco
57230-000 - Coruripe
57320-000 - Craibas
57480-000 - Delmiro Gouveia
57560-000 - Dois Riachos
57625-000 - Estrela de Alagoas
57340-000 - Feira Grande
57220-000 - Feliz Deserto
57995-000 - Flexeiras
57360-000 - Girau do Ponciano
57890-000 - Ibateguara
57620-000 - Igaci
57280-000 - Igreja Nova
57545-000 - Inhapi
57430-000 - Jacare dos Homens
57960-000 - Jacuipe
57950-000 - Japaratinga
57425-000 - Jaramataia
57980-000 - Joaquim Gomes
57965-000 - Jundia
57270-000 - Junqueiro
57330-000 - Lagoa da Canoa
57260-000 - Limoeiro de Anadia
57000-000 - Maceio
57580-000 - Major Isidoro
57955-000 - Maragogi
57520-000 - Maravilha
57160-000 - Marechal Deodoro
57670-000 - Maribondo
57730-000 - Mar Vermelho
57540-000 - Mata Grande
57910-000 - Matriz de Camaragibe
57990-000 - Messias
57615-000 - Minador do Negrao
57440-000 - Monteiropolis
57820-000 - Murici
57970-000 - Novo Lino
57442-000 - Olho dagua das Flores
57470-000 - Olho dagua do Casado
57390-000 - Olho dagua Grande
57550-000 - Olivenca
57525-000 - Ouro Branco
57410-000 - Palestina
57600-000 - Palmeira dos indios
57400-000 - Pao de Acucar
57475-000 - Pariconha
57935-000 - Paripueira
57930-000 - Passo de Camaragibe
57740-000 - Paulo Jacinto
57200-000 - Penedo
57210-000 - Piacabucu
57150-000 - Pilar
57720-000 - Pindoba
57460-000 - Piranhas
57510-000 - Poco das Trincheiras
57900-000 - Porto Calvo
57945-000 - Porto de Pedras
57290-000 - Porto Real do Colegio
57750-000 - Quebrangulo
57100-000 - Rio Largo
57246-000 - Roteiro
57130-000 - Santa Luzia do Norte
57500-000 - Santana do Ipanema
57840-000 - Santana do Mundau
57380-000 - Sao Bras
57860-000 - Sao Jose da Laje
57445-000 - Sao Jose da Tapera
57920-000 - Sao Luis do Quitunde
57240-000 - Sao Miguel dos Campos
57940-000 - Sao Miguel dos Milagres
57275-000 - Sao Sebastiao
57120-000 - Satuba
57515-000 - Senador Rui Palmeira
57635-000 - Tanque dArca
57640-000 - Taquarana
57265-000 - Teotonio Vilela
57370-000 - Traipu
57800-000 - Uniao dos Palmares
57700-000 - Vicosa

Alagoas Postal code

Alagoas postal code is also know as Alagoas CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Alagoas Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Alagoas postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.

There are total 101 Postal code in Alagoas Brazil. for example postal code of Alagoas 57490-000, where 57 is Alagoas postal region code and 490 is agua Branca code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.


1. How many digits are there in a Alagoas Brazil postal codes?
Alagoas Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.

2. What is the postal code for Traipu, Alagoas?
Traipu, Alagoas postal code is 57370-000.

3. What is the postal code for Uniao dos Palmares, Alagoas?
Uniao dos Palmares, Alagoas postal code is 57800-000.

About Alagoas

Alagoas is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil. It is in the northeastern part of the country. It is next to Pernambuco to the north and northwest, Sergipe to the south, Bahia to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east (E). Maceio is the capital city of the country. If you live in Brazil, youre a 1.6% resident, but you only make 0.8 percent of the nations GDP. 102 municipalities make up this state. Maceio, Arapiraca, Palmeira dos ndios, Rio Largo, Penedo and Unio dos Palmares are the cities with the most people. Maceio, Arapiraca, Palmeira dos ndios, Rio Largo and Penedo are the cities with the least people. It is the second smallest state in Brazil in terms of area, and it has the 16th most people. As one of the biggest sugarcane and coconut growers in the country, it also has a lot of cattle. Alagoas is the home of the sururu (or Charru Mussel), a lagoon shellfish that is a source of food for people living near the coast. It also has some of the countrys best folklore. In the beginning, the Alagoano territory was part of the Captaincy of Pernambuco. It only became its own country in 1817. It caused the captaincys sugarcane farming to grow, which required more land to grow in the south. Thus, Porto Calvo, Alagoas (now Marechal Deodoro), and Penedo were born. They were the centres of the regions colonisation, economy, and social life for a long time, and they played a big role in them. In 1631, the Dutch took over Pernambuco and Alagoas. In 1645, after a lot of fighting in Porto Calvo, the invaders were driven out, leaving the economy in ruins. When the Dutch came to the sugarcane plantations, African slaves escaped. This caused a labour shortage on the plantations. Communities called quilombos were set up to help the Africans stay together. The most important quilombo was destroyed by a fire at the end of the 17th century. Confederation of the Equator (1824) got the support of some important Alagoano people during the empire. As time went on, there was a lot of conflict between the liso (lit. ""straights"") and the cabeludos (lit. ""hairies""), two groups that were very different. It was at the start of the 20th century that the Alagoano hinterland saw Delmiro Gouveia, a businessman from Pernambuco, set up the Estrela thread factory. This factory made 200 spools of thread a day. It isnt clear how Delmiro Gouveia died in October 1917, but rumours say he was pressured to sell his factory to foreign competitors. He was then killed. In the event that he died, his machines would be destroyed and thrown into Paulo Afonso Falls, where they would be destroyed. Alagoas is known as the Land of the Marshals because it is where Deodoro da Fonseca and Floriano Peixoto were born. Alagoas has also given birth to many famous Brazilians, including the anthropologist Arthur Ramos, the maestro Hekel Tavares, the philologist Aurelio Buarque de Holanda, the musicians Djavan and Hermeto Pascoal, the poet Jorge de Lima, the jurists Pontes Miranda and Marcos Bernardes de Mello, and the writers Ldo Ivo and Graciliano Ra. The Latin word lacus, which means ""reservoir, lake,"" is the source of the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian words ""lago,"" ""lac,"" and ""lacuna,"" which means ""pitfall, hole,"" ""lack, want, or neglect."" Its possible that the Portuguese word lagoa, which is also used in Spanish and Mirandese, suggests that the suffix changed. This is already seen in a 938 document from Valencia and a 1094 document from Sahagn. In the 14th century, the Portuguese word lagoa was written as lagona, and it was used in place of the other for a long time. The prosthesis is then explained by the addition of the article, mostly in locution (na lagoa, vindo da lagoa) (in the lake, coming from the lake), and by the verbal alagar (to flood) and its derivatives (alagadico, alagado, alagado, alagador, alagamento, etc) (swampish, waterlogged, flooding, overflow, etc.). Names of lagoons Manguaba and Munda were already competing with each other in the 16th century when settlements were built near them. The Alagoas were then formed, which included the rest of the lagoons in the area, as well as the other lakes in the area. The suffix -ano is only found in Brazil (paraibano, pernambucano, alagoano, sergipano, baiano, goiano, and later acriano), but it is also found in other countries.

What is Alagoas Address Format?

Jomo Souza
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31
agua Branca

What is Alagoas Zipcode Format?
Alagoas Brazil Postal code format