Goias Postal code
Goias Postal code
Goias postal code is also know as Goias CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Goias Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Goias postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.
There are total 242 Postal code in Goias Brazil. for example postal code of Goias 75345-000, where 75 is Goias postal region code and 345 is Abadia de Goias code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Goias Brazil postal codes?
Goias Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.
2. What is the postal code for Vicentinopolis, Goias?
Vicentinopolis, Goias postal code is 75555-000.
3. What is the postal code for Vila Boa, Goias?
Vila Boa, Goias postal code is 73825-000.
About Goias
Goias is a state in Brazil that is in the Center-West region. Goias is in the middle of the Federal District and the states of Tocantins, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Mato Grosso. It is the capital of the state. Goias is the most populous state in the Center-West and the 11th most populous in the country. It has 7.2 million people. It has the ninth-largest economy in the whole country. In Brazils geoeconomic division, Goias is part of the Centro-Sul (South). It is the northernmost state in the southern part of the country. People in the state make up 3.3% of the population and 2.7% of the GDP of Brazil. The history of Goias began at the beginning of the 18th century, when people from So Paulo moved there. The Rio Vermelho region was the first to be occupied. Vila Boa (later renamed Goias) was the first town to be built there. In the 1930s, the new capital, Goiania, was built, and in the 1950s, the city of Braslia was built. This meant that the states development and settlement took place more quickly. Goias has a landscape that is full of chapades (plateaus). In the middle of the drought season, from June to September, the lack of rain causes the Araguaia River to go down, exposing almost 2 kilometres (1.2 miles) of beach. People living in the municipality of Mineiros can go to the Emas National Park to see the fauna and flora that live in the area. At the Chapada dos Veadeiros, the main things to see are the canyons, valleys, rapids, and waterfalls that are in the area. Other things to see and do are the historical city of Goias and the hot springs of Caldas Novas.
Isabella Goncalves
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31
Abadia de Goias