Minas Gerais Postal code
Minas Gerais Postal code
Minas Gerais postal code is also know as Minas Gerais CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Minas Gerais Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Minas Gerais postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.
There are total 853 Postal code in Minas Gerais Brazil. for example postal code of Minas Gerais 38540-000, where 38 is Minas Gerais postal region code and 540 is Abadia dos Dourados code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Minas Gerais Brazil postal codes?
Minas Gerais Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.
2. What is the postal code for Visconde do Rio Branco, Minas Gerais?
Visconde do Rio Branco, Minas Gerais postal code is 36520-000.
3. What is the postal code for Volta Grande, Minas Gerais?
Volta Grande, Minas Gerais postal code is 36720-000.
About Minas Gerais
Minas Grosso is in the south of Brazil. It has the second most people, the third most GDP, and the fourth most area in the country. Belo Horizonte, the states capital and largest city, is a major city and finance centre in Latin America. It is the sixth-largest municipality in Brazil, after cities like So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Brasilia, and Fortaleza. Its metropolitan area is the third-largest in the country, with more than 5,800,000 people. A state in Brazil has had more presidents born there than any other state. 10.1% of the population lives there, and 8.7% of the GDP comes from there, so its a big part of Brazil. It has an area of 586,528 square kilometres (226,460 square miles), which is bigger than the whole of France. It is the fourth-largest state in Brazil. Most of the countrys coffee and milk comes from the state of Minas Gerais, which has a rich history of colonial-style architecture and art. Cities like So Joo del-Rei and Congonhas are known for their architecture and colonial art. You can visit hydro mineral spas like Caxambu and Lambari in the south. You can also go to the national parks of Caparao and Canastra in the south, which have a lot of interesting things to see and do. The landscape of the state is made up of mountains, valleys, and a lot of land that is good for farming. During the trip to the Serra do Cipo, Sete Lagoas, Cordisburgo, and Lagoa Santa, the caves and waterfalls are the main things to look forward to. Some of Brazils best-known caves are there. The name Minas Gerais comes from two different stories. What it means: It comes from ""Minas dos Matos Gerais,"" which used to be the name of the colonial province in Brazil (""Mines of the General Woods""). So a first thought is that the name means ""General Mines,"" with the word Gerais used as an adjective to describe the mines, which were spread out across a larger area. Another reason why this is wrong is that it doesnt take into account the two big areas of land that made up the state in the past: the region of the mines (Minas), and the region of the Gerais (""Matos Gerais"" or ""Campos Gerais"", which means something close to ""General Fields""). These were the parts of Serto that were far away and hard to get to, with an economy based on farming and agriculture. Because the word ""Gerais"" is used as an adjective to ""Minas"" in the first version, but in this version, it refers to the area called Gerais (as a noun). In addition, the map of the state doesnt show this well-defined area. Its more of a designation for the parts of the state that arent near the mining areas, are more like the geography of Serto, and arent as close to the states centre as other parts of the state.
Marcos Rocha
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31
Abadia dos Dourados
Minas Gerais