Kiri Vong Postal code
Kiri Vong Postal code
Kiri Vong postal code is also know as Kiri Vong zip code, Kiri Vong Cambodia postal code system was introduced by the Cambodiapost for making it easier to sort and send mail, Kiri Vong postal code used a 6-digit postal code 210XXX. The first 3 digit represent the city code, and last 3 digit represent the Post office in the Kiri Vong.
There are total 12 Postal code in Kiri Vong Cambodia and The postal code range goes from 210601 to 210612.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Kiri Vong Cambodia postal codes?
Kiri Vong Cambodia used a 6-digit postal code system and format is XXXXXX
2. What is the post code for Angk Prasat?
Angk Prasat postal code is 210601.
3. What is the post code for Saom?
Saom postal code is 210611.
Vicheka Him
Rolea Bie 3, Prey Khmer Village, Rolea
Kiri Vong-210601