Azuay Postal code
People in Ecuador live in the province of Azuay, which was formed on June 25, 1824. Azuay is a province of Ecuador. Because it is so big, it covers an area of 8,309.58 square miles (3,208.35 sq mi). It has a capital city called Cuenca, which is where most people live. South of Ecuador, it is in the highlands, and in the middle of the country. There is a national park called El Cajas that has mountains that are 4,500 m (14,800 ft) above sea level in them. People who live in Azuay are on the Panamerican Highway. Cuenca is connected to Quito and Guayaquil by flights from the country. A hydroelectric plant on the river Paute makes a lot of electricity for the country and is the largest in the country.
Juan Carlos Prez
12 De Noviembre 468
11551 - El Carmen De Pijili