Estonia Postal code
Estonia postal code
Estonia postal code is a six-digit number, with the first digit being the sorting region and the last three digits being a local identifier.
The sorting region defines from which area in Estonia mail will be sorted. It covers all of Estonia's territory including islands in the Baltic Sea. In case of postcodes starting with '2', they are reserved for Russian dealers and can be used only by people who have a special agreement with this post office.
This guide is going to teach you how to find your Estonian postal code, where to find it and what impact it has on your post.
What is Estonia address format?
Kati Kask
Aia Tn 1&Ndash;23
10615 Tallinn
What is Estonia Zipcode Format?

Useful Information:-
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 5398 Postal Code In Estonia
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 1.3Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Tallinn
- Dialing Code :-372