Romania Postal code
Romania Postal Code
Postal Code in Romania
The postal codes were first introduced in Romania in 1947. The zip codes were originally four digits long.
Romania's postal service
On May 1, 2003, new postal codes with six numeric characters will be introduced. The new postal codes provide a thorough description of a parcel delivery, right down to the delivery method. The first character of the postal code ranges from 0 to 9 and corresponds to one of Romania's nine regions in which Romania is divided. A region's locations are represented by the second number, which varies from 0 to 5. The second digit in Bucharest ranges from 1 to 6, while numbers like 7 and 8 relate to the cities of Giurgiu and Ilfov, respectively. The last four digits represent the province head, cities and countries (with fractions clarified), streets, parts of streets, and buildings. One of the objectives for creating such a complicated coding system was to eliminate any existing ambiguity ( for example there are villages with the same name that can exist in 7 different cities)
Example of a Romanian address:
Emilia Popescu
Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 4, bloc LV 43, scara B, ap. 25
620118, judet Vrancea, Focsani localitatea
Gheorghe Codreanu
Str. Virtutii, Nr. 44
Bucuresti, Sector 6, 313988

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 37914 Postal Code In Romania
- Postal Code Type :- 6-digit
- Toal Population :- 19.9Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Bucharest
- Dialing Code :-40