Ananthnag Pin code

192201 - Achabal
192202 - Ahalangodol
192233 - Aharbal
192201 - Akingam
192125 - Akura
192101 - Anantnag Ho
192124 - Arwani
192129 - Ashmuqam
192212 - Batagund
192129 - Batakote
192401 - Beerwara
192124 - Bijbehara
192212 - Bonagand
192201 - Brah
192202 - Buchoo
192201 - Bulbul Nowgam
192201 - Chakilpora
192129 - Chandrigam
192201 - Chattargui
192233 - Chemmar
192124 - Chitragam
192233 - D K Marg
192202 - Daksum
192233 - Damhal Hanji Pora
192202 - Danipora
192201 - Dethunagnarian
192401 - Dhawtoo
192210 - Dialgam
192124 - Digripora
192211 - Dooru
192210 - Fateh Pora
192129 - Ganeshpora
192125 - Gopal Pora
192210 - Gosanigund
192210 - Hakura Badasgam
192212 - Halsidar
192129 - Hapatnar
192201 - Hardtour
192201 - Hiller Arahama
192211 - Hiller Shahabad
192401 - Hugam
192125 - Hutmarah
192101 - Janglath Mandi
192124 - Kanilwan
192212 - Kaprin
192401 - Kathsoo
192101 - Khanabal
192401 - Kharam
192202 - Kharapora
192129 - Khayar
192233 - Khuri Batpora B
192202 - Kokarnag
192125 - Kragsoo
192124 - Krandigam
192211 - Kriri Nowpora
192401 - Kullar
192221 - Kund
192126 - Laripora
192210 - Larkipora
192202 - Larnoo
192221 - Levidoora
192129 - Logripora
192212 - Lower Mundah
192221 - Manjmoh
192233 - Manzgam
192124 - Marhama
192125 - Martand
192401 - Mohind
192221 - Monghal
192202 - Muti Handoo
192124 - Naina
192202 - Nalasundhari
192125 - Nambal
192233 - Nandimarg
192125 - Nanil
192202 - Narapora
192233 - Nasnoor
192221 - Nissu
192202 - Nowbug
192212 - Nowgam
192211 - Obindora
192201 - Omanagri
192124 - Opzen
192221 - Panzeth
192124 - Panzgam
192126 - Phalgam
192401 - Pushkriri
192212 - Qanmar
192221 - Qazigund
192101 - Quimoh
193306 - Rajpora
192125 - Ranbirpora
192129 - S K Gund
192212 - Sadinare
192129 - Salia
192401 - Sallar
192101 - Sarnal
192124 - Shalgam
192124 - Shamsipora
192201 - Shangas
192129 - Siligam
192401 - Sirhama
192202 - Soaf Shali
192221 - Sopat Tengpora
192401 - Srigufwaea
192201 - Telwani
192124 - Tokna
192124 - Tulkhana
192124 - Urran Hall
192201 - Utersoo
192202 - Vailobrang
192202 - Vandevalgam
192124 - Veeri
192212 - Verinaag
192221 - Vesshu
192124 - Waghama
192401 - Wallarhama
192221 - Wangund
192124 - Wanpoh
192221 - Yarkhoshipora
192124 - Zanipora
192233 - Ahmedabad Thussu
192233 - Badjahalan
192221 - Brinal Lammer
192221 - Bumthan
192221 - Chowgam
192233 - Gopalpora
192233 - Khull
192221 - Mandhole
192233 - Nehama
192401 - Dalseer

Ananthnag Pin code / Ananthnag Postal Code

Ananthnag postal code is also known as Ananthnag zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Ananthnag was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Ananthnag.

The pincode of Ananthnag consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Ananthnag city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Ananthnag from 192101 to 193306.

Ananthnag head post office pin code is 192101.

for example, In Ananthnag pin code 192233, where 192 is Ananthnag postal region code and 233 is  Post office Damhal Hanji Pora in the City of Ananthnag.

There are total 14 postal codes and 131 post offices in Ananthnag, Jammu And Kashmir.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Ananthnag.

192124 - Kanilwan
192401 - Dhawtoo
192401 - Sirhama
192401 - Srigufwaea
193306 - Rajpora
192401 - Pushkriri

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Ananthnag India postal codes?
Ananthnag India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Ananthnag?
Ananthnag India STD code is 193.

3. How many pin code in Ananthnag?
There are  14 pin code and 131 post offices in Ananthnag.

4. What is the Damhal Hanji Pora Ananthnag pin code?
Damhal Hanji Pora Ananthnag pin code is 192233

5. What is the Wallarhama Ananthnag pin code?
Wallarhama Ananthnag pin code is 192401

6. Ananthnag is in which state?
Ananthnag is a city in the state of Jammu And Kashmir, India

What is Ananthnag Address Format?

Neha Sharma
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Ananthnag - Jammu & Kashmir

What is Ananthnag Postal code Format?
Ananthnag India Postal code format