Baramulla Pin code

193122 - Nowshera
193201 - Sagipora
193201 - Seelu
193201 - Sopore
193201 - Tujar
193121 - Andergam
193303 - Ashpora
193108 - Athoora
193301 - Balhama
193123 - Balkote
193101 - Baramulla
193303 - Behrampora
193122 - Bijhama
193301 - Binner
193201 - Bomai
193122 - Boniyar
193201 - Botingoo
193201 - Bulgam
193122 - Chandanwari
193109 - Chandoosa
193303 - Chatoosa
193121 - Check Sariwarpora
193301 - Chijhama
193301 - Chitloora
193123 - Dachi
193201 - Dangerpora
193303 - Dangiwacha
193103 - Delina
193122 - Dhanisaidan
193201 - Doabgah
193201 - Dooru
193121 - Ganasthan
193101 - Gantmulla
193123 - Garkote
193122 - Gingle
193101 - Gohan
193121 - Goshbugh
193121 - Gund Ibrahim
193301 - Hadipora
193201 - Haigam
193121 - Hanjiwera
193303 - Harduchanam
193201 - Hardushiva
193201 - Harwan
193201 - Hathlangoo
193101 - Heavan
193122 - Ijara
193123 - Isham
193123 - Jabla
193201 - Jamia Qadim
193109 - Kachawa Muqam
193109 - Kalantra
193123 - Kamalkote
193103 - Kanispora
193101 - Khadniyar
193109 - Khaitangan
193301 - Khamoh
193121 - Khanpeth
193101 - Khanpora
193103 - Khawaja Bagh
193121 - Khore
193201 - Krankshivam
193108 - Kreeri
193122 - Lachipora
193201 - Ladoora
193121 - Lalpora Bangil
193101 - Laridora
193201 - M.E.T
193101 - Malpora
193121 - Mamoosa
193121 - Matipora
193121 - Mirgund
193122 - Mohara
193201 - Mundji
193301 - Nadihal
193123 - Nambla
193121 - Nehalpora
193109 - Nowpora Jagir
193201 - Nowpora Kalan
193121 - Palhallan
193301 - Panzala
193123 - Parampilla
193121 - Pattan
193122 - Pringal
193303 - Rengpeth
193301 - Rohama
193123 - Salamabad
193122 - Salamabad Dachina
193108 - Saloosa
193201 - Sangrama
193201 - Seer
193121 - Seru Dangerpora
193101 - Sheeri
193121 - Shirpora Bangil
193301 - Shitloo
193121 - Singhpora
193103 - Singhpora Kalan
193123 - Sultan Daki
193101 - Sultanpora Kandi
193121 - Tapper Waripora
193201 - Tarzoo
193108 - Tilgam
193122 - Trikanjan
193123 - Uri
193101 - Ushkura
193201 - Wadoora
193109 - Wagoora
193108 - Wanigam
193201 - Warpora
193303 - Watergam
193201 - Watlab
193101 - Women College
193121 - Yal
193201 - Zaloora
193303 - Zethan
193402 - Babareshi
193404 - Beewah
193404 - Chandil Wanigam
193402 - Chandilora
193404 - Devbough
193404 - Devpora Dardpora
193404 - Dhobiwan
193402 - Ferozpora
193403 - Gulmarg
193402 - Hajibal
193402 - Hardichhloo
193404 - Hardobora
193404 - Hardushora
193402 - Hariwatnoo
193404 - Kawarhama
193402 - Khaipora
193404 - Kralweth
193404 - Mulgam
193402 - Tangmarg
193404 - Tarahama
193404 - Wailoo Kralpora
193404 - Kunzer

Baramulla Pin code / Baramulla Postal Code

Baramulla postal code is also known as Baramulla zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Baramulla was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Baramulla.

The pincode of Baramulla consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Baramulla city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Baramulla from 193101 to 193404.

Baramulla head post office pin code is 193101.

for example, In Baramulla pin code 193402, where 193 is Baramulla postal region code and 402 is  Post office Babareshi in the City of Baramulla.

There are total 13 postal codes and 137 post offices in Baramulla, Jammu And Kashmir.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Baramulla.

193103 - Singhpora Kalan
193404 - Chandil Wanigam
193404 - Kunzer
193404 - Mulgam
193404 - Wailoo Kralpora
193404 - Kawarhama

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Baramulla India postal codes?
Baramulla India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Baramulla?
Baramulla India STD code is 1952.

3. How many pin code in Baramulla?
There are  13 pin code and 137 post offices in Baramulla.

4. What is the Babareshi Baramulla pin code?
Babareshi Baramulla pin code is 193402

5. What is the Tarahama Baramulla pin code?
Tarahama Baramulla pin code is 193404

6. Baramulla is in which state?
Baramulla is a city in the state of Jammu And Kashmir, India

What is Baramulla Address Format?

Akash Patel
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Baramulla - Jammu & Kashmir

What is Baramulla Postal code Format?
Baramulla India Postal code format