Boudh Pin code

762023 - Adenigarh
762015 - Ainlapalli
762018 - Ambagaon
762015 - Ambajhari
762020 - Arakhapadar
762013 - Badabandha
762017 - Badachhapalli
762026 - Badhigaon
762015 - Badiketa
762030 - Baghiabahal
762026 - Baghiapada
762015 - Bahira
762015 - Balakira
762013 - Balanda
762014 - Balasinga
762024 - Bamanda
762026 - Bandhapathar
762017 - Baragaon
762016 - Baragochha
762030 - Barapadar
762020 - Bhejigora
762024 - Bilabadi
762016 - Bilaspur
762024 - Biramchandrapur
762024 - Biranarasinghpur
762026 - Birigarh
762014 - Boudh Court
762014 - Boudhbazar
762014 - Boudhraj
762015 - Bounsoni
762014 - Brahmanpalli
762014 - Butupalli
762014 - Charada
762020 - Chhatranga
762015 - Dahya
762016 - Damamunda
762030 - Dapalla
762024 - Devgarh
762026 - Dhadalapada
762013 - Dhalapur
762018 - Fased
762030 - Gabjore
762018 - Ghantapada
762016 - Gudvellipadar
762023 - Gundribida
762015 - Gundulia
762020 - Harabhanga
762014 - Jagati
762014 - Janhapanka
762023 - Jhadrajing
762016 - Jogindrapur
762015 - Juramunda
762014 - Kamira
762015 - Kampara
762015 - Kankala
762017 - Kantamal
762024 - Karadi
762023 - Karanjakata
762015 - Kasurbandha
762024 - Kelakata
762016 - Khairmal
762030 - Khaliapalli
762014 - Khamariapada
762013 - Khandahata
762020 - Kharabhuin
762030 - Khatakhatia
762014 - Khuntabandha
762026 - Khuntiapada
762018 - Kultajore
762020 - Kumari
762020 - Kusanga
762023 - Laxmanpur
762014 - Laxmiprasad
762030 - Lokapada
762024 - Lunibahal
762020 - Mahallickpada
762020 - Mallickpada
762014 - Mallisahi
762016 - Manamunda
762015 - Manupalli
762014 - Marjakud
762018 - Masinagora
762024 - Mathura
762014 - Mundapada
762015 - Mundipadar
762014 - Murusundhi
762017 - Narayan Prasad
762015 - Nuapalli
762018 - Nuapalli
762016 - Padarpada
762014 - Palaspat
762013 - Purunakatak
762024 - Rambhikata
762013 - Ramgarh
762023 - Ranipathar
762015 - Roxa
762030 - Rundimahal
762015 - Rusibandha
762016 - Sagada
762026 - Salki
762024 - Sampoch
762017 - Sanachhapalli
762015 - Sangochhapada
762015 - Sangrampur
762020 - Sankulei
762026 - Sarsara
762020 - Satakhanda
762030 - Similipadar
762017 - Srimal
762016 - Sundhipadar
762014 - Telibandha
762014 - Tetelenga
762026 - Tikiripada
762015 - Tilapanga
762013 - Tileswar
762016 - Tundmal
762018 - Uden
762018 - Uma

Boudh Pin code / Boudh Postal Code

Boudh postal code is also known as Boudh zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Boudh was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Boudh.

The pincode of Boudh consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Boudh city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Boudh from 762013 to 762030.

Boudh head post office pin code is 762013.

for example, In Boudh pin code 762024, where 762 is Boudh postal region code and 024 is  Post office Lunibahal in the City of Boudh.

There are total 11 postal codes and 118 post offices in Boudh, Odisha.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Boudh.

762014 - Murusundhi
762026 - Salki
762030 - Khatakhatia
762030 - Lokapada
762030 - Similipadar
762030 - Gabjore

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Boudh India postal codes?
Boudh India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Boudh?
Boudh India STD code is 6841.

3. How many pin code in Boudh?
There are  11 pin code and 118 post offices in Boudh.

4. What is the Lunibahal Boudh pin code?
Lunibahal Boudh pin code is 762024

5. What is the Rundimahal Boudh pin code?
Rundimahal Boudh pin code is 762030

6. Boudh is in which state?
Boudh is a city in the state of Odisha, India

What is Boudh Address Format?

Vedika Chatterjee
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Boudh - Odisha

What is Boudh Postal code Format?
Boudh India Postal code format