Dantewada Pin code

494552 - Etepal
494553 - Gamawada
494556 - Aranpur
494122 - Argatta
494553 - Bache R.S.
494553 - Bacheli
494441 - Bade Tumnar .
494552 - Badebedma
494115 - Badegadam
494552 - Badegudra
494552 - Badelakhapal
494441 - Bagmundi Panera
494449 - Balood
494449 - Balpet
494556 - Bangali Camp
494441 - Barsoor
494441 - Belnar
494553 - Bhansi
494552 - Bhusaras
494556 - Burgum
494115 - Chandangiri
494441 - Chhindnar
494441 - Chhotetumnar
494115 - Chindawada
494122 - Chintagupha
494122 - Chintalnar
494449 - Dabpal
494449 - Dantewada
494115 - Darbha
494122 - Dornapal
494122 - Dubbatota
494553 - Dugeli
494552 - Gadapal
494552 - Gadmiri
494551 - Gamawada
494449 - Gatam .
494441 - Geedam
494441 - Ghotpal
494122 - Gogunda
494122 - Gondpalli
494556 - Gondras
494115 - Gorli
494441 - Gumda
494556 - Gumyapal
494556 - Guphadi
494115 - Hameergarh
494441 - Harrakoder
494441 - Heeranar
494115 - Idjepal
494552 - Jabeli
494122 - Jagargunda
494441 - Jawanga
494556 - Kakadi
494449 - Kamaloor
494449 - Kanwalnar
494441 - Karli
494449 - Katekalyan
494449 - Kawadgaon
494122 - Kerlapal
494115 - Kikirpal
494556 - Kirandul Hill Top
494556 - Kirandul R.S.
494556 - Kirandul
494115 - Kokawada
494115 - Koleng
494556 - Kondasawli
494441 - Korgaon
494441 - Korlapal
494441 - Koshalnar
494552 - Kuakonda
494115 - Kukanar
494551 - Kumharras
494115 - Kundanpal
494115 - Kunna
494449 - Kuper
494115 - Leda
494552 - Mailawada
494552 - Masenar
494449 - Matenar
494449 - Metapal
494115 - Michwar
494441 - Mirtur
494122 - Misma
494552 - Mokhpal
494122 - Nagaram
494552 - Nakulnar
494115 - Pakhnar
494552 - Palnar
494449 - Parcheli
494552 - Pedka
494115 - Pendalnar
494449 - Pharaspal
494552 - Phulpad
494122 - Polampalli
494449 - Pondoom
494122 - Pongabheji
494556 - Potali
494115 - Puspal
494441 - Ronje
494552 - Sameli
494115 - Sautnar
494441 - Shivanandashram
494552 - Shyamgiri
494122 - Sirsitti
494552 - Surnar
494449 - Teknar
494552 - Telam
494552 - Tikanpal
494115 - Tirathgarh
494115 - Tongpal
494115 - Chandragiri
494449 - Kumharras

Dantewada Pin code / Dantewada Postal Code

Dantewada postal code is also known as Dantewada zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Dantewada was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Dantewada.

The pincode of Dantewada consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Dantewada city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Dantewada from 494115 to 494556.

Dantewada head post office pin code is 494115.

for example, In Dantewada pin code 494552, where 494 is Dantewada postal region code and 552 is  Post office Sameli in the City of Dantewada.

There are total 8 postal codes and 112 post offices in Dantewada, Chattisgarh.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Dantewada.

494115 - Pendalnar
494556 - Aranpur
494556 - Kirandul Hill Top
494556 - Kirandul R.S.
494556 - Potali
494556 - Kakadi

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Dantewada India postal codes?
Dantewada India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Dantewada?
Dantewada India STD code is 7856.

3. How many pin code in Dantewada?
There are  8 pin code and 112 post offices in Dantewada.

4. What is the Sameli Dantewada pin code?
Sameli Dantewada pin code is 494552

5. What is the Kondasawli Dantewada pin code?
Kondasawli Dantewada pin code is 494556

6. Dantewada is in which state?
Dantewada is a city in the state of Chattisgarh, India

What is Dantewada Address Format?

Nikhil Das
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Dantewada - Chattisgarh

What is Dantewada Postal code Format?
Dantewada India Postal code format