Gariaband Pin code

493992 - Akalwara
493891 - Amlipadar
492109 - Atarmara
493885 - Baronda
493889 - Barula
493992 - Basin
493992 - Belar
493885 - Beltukri
493885 - Bhendri
493889 - Bindranawagarh
493992 - Borsi
493885 - Champaran
493996 - Chhura
493890 - Chichia
493885 - Darra
493889 - Darripara
493890 - Deobhog
493992 - Deori
492109 - Dhaurabhata
493888 - Dhawalpur
493891 - Dhruwagudi
493890 - Diwanmuda
493996 - Dulla
493889 - Gariaband
493888 - Gaurgaon
493889 - Ghutkunawapara
493890 - Girsul
493891 - Gohrapadar
493888 - Gona
492109 - Hasda
493888 - Indagaon
493992 - Jamgaon
493890 - Jhakharpara
493888 - Jidar
493889 - Joba
493890 - Kadlimuda
493891 - Kandekela
493996 - Kanesar
493996 - Kansinghi
493885 - Kareli
493996 - Khadma
493890 - Khoksara
493889 - Khursipar
493885 - Kirwai
493889 - Kochwai
493992 - Kondkera
493887 - Kopra
493996 - Kosmi
493996 - Kotigaon
493890 - Latapara
493889 - Litipara
492109 - Loharsi
493996 - Lohjhar
493889 - Madanpur
493996 - Madeli
493888 - Mainpur
493889 - Mainpurii
493889 - Malgaon
493889 - Maroda
493891 - Mudgelmal
492109 - Mundibhawar
493890 - Mungijhar
493889 - Nahargaon
493885 - Nawagaon
493890 - Nistiguda
493996 - Paktia
492109 - Panduka
493885 - Parsada
493992 - Parsadakala
493889 - Parsuli
493885 - Patewa
492109 - Pathar
493996 - Patseoni
493992 - Pendra
493992 - Phingeshwar
493889 - Piperchhedi
492109 - Pond
493885 - Rajim
493996 - Ranipartewa
493996 - Rasela
493889 - Ruwad
493891 - Sargiguda
493891 - Sarnabahal
493885 - Semra
493996 - Seoni
493888 - Shobha
493888 - Sikaser
493890 - Sinapali
493890 - Sitlijor
493992 - Sorid
493885 - Sursabandha
493992 - Tarighat
493888 - Taurenga
493891 - Tetalkhunti
493890 - Tikrapara
493891 - Urmal

Gariaband Pin code / Gariaband Postal Code

Gariaband postal code is also known as Gariaband zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Gariaband was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Gariaband.

The pincode of Gariaband consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Gariaband city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Gariaband from 492109 to 493996.

Gariaband head post office pin code is 492109.

for example, In Gariaband pin code 493992, where 493 is Gariaband postal region code and 992 is  Post office Deori in the City of Gariaband.

There are total 9 postal codes and 96 post offices in Gariaband, Chattisgarh.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Gariaband.

492109 - Dhaurabhata
493996 - Kanesar
493996 - Patseoni
493996 - Ranipartewa
493996 - Seoni
493996 - Madeli

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Gariaband India postal codes?
Gariaband India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Gariaband?
Gariaband India STD code is 7706.

3. How many pin code in Gariaband?
There are  9 pin code and 96 post offices in Gariaband.

4. What is the Deori Gariaband pin code?
Deori Gariaband pin code is 493992

5. What is the Rasela Gariaband pin code?
Rasela Gariaband pin code is 493996

6. Gariaband is in which state?
Gariaband is a city in the state of Chattisgarh, India

What is Gariaband Address Format?

Ravi Joshi
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Gariaband - Chattisgarh

What is Gariaband Postal code Format?
Gariaband India Postal code format