Kanker Pin code

494335 - Abhanpur
494333 - Amoda
494665 - Amodi
494665 - Antagarh
494337 - Anwari
494635 - Aridongri
494669 - Asulkhar
494334 - Aturgaon
494237 - Babai
494333 - Badal
494771 - Badejharkatta
494771 - Badgaon
494334 - Bagodar
494670 - Baijanpuri
494777 - Bandecolony
494776 - Barda
494334 - Bewarti
494670 - Bhainsakanhar
494665 - Bhainsasur
494670 - Bhanbeda
494333 - Bhansuli
494669 - Bhanupratappur
494337 - Bhilai
494669 - Bhiragaon
494237 - Bijapur
494665 - Bondanar
494335 - Budeli
494337 - Charama
494337 - Charbhata
494665 - Chargaon
494334 - Chawad
494237 - Chhinari
494336 - Chinauri
494334 - Chiprel
494771 - Chotekapsi
494333 - Dabena
494635 - Damkasa
494669 - Dangra
494334 - Deori
494333 - Devinawagaon
494670 - Dhanelikanhar
494335 - Dhanesara
494237 - Dharli
494337 - Dokla
494771 - Donde
494335 - Dudhawa
494334 - Dumali
494333 - Dumarpani
494669 - Durgkondal
494777 - Erpanar
494776 - Esebeda
494333 - Geetpahar
494776 - Gondahoor
494334 - Govindpur
494665 - Gudabeda
494771 - Gurwandi
494776 - Hanker
494336 - Haradula
494670 - Hatkarra
494635 - Hatkondal
494334 - Hatkongera
494237 - Heerapur
494665 - Hurtarai
494337 - Jaisakarra
494333 - Jamgaon
494336 - Jepra
494635 - Jodekursi
494334 - Junwani
494337 - Junwani
494665 - Kamta
494670 - Kanharpuri
494334 - Kanker
494334 - Kanker Kutchery
494669 - Karaki
494635 - Karmoti
494669 - Kewti
494771 - Khairkatta
494336 - Khairkeda
494336 - Khartha
494333 - Kishanpuri
494670 - Kodagaon
494669 - Kodapakha
494669 - Kodekurse
494665 - Kodosalhebhat
494334 - Kokpur
494665 - Kolar
494337 - Koliyari
494670 - Korar
494335 - Kotalbhatti
494336 - Kotela
494670 - Kottara
494665 - Koyalibeda
494669 - Kulhadkatta
494777 - Kurenar
494337 - Kurrutola
494336 - Lakhanpuri
494335 - Largaon Markatola
494337 - Lilejhar
494635 - Lohattar
494334 - Makdisingrai
494334 - Manpur
494334 - Mardapoti
494670 - Markatola
494777 - Maroda
494333 - Marwadi
494335 - Mavlipara
494669 - Michgaon Sadhu
494776 - Mixesed Form
494670 - Mode
494334 - Murdongri
494334 - Murvend
494777 - Nagaldand
494333 - Narharpur
494336 - Nathianawagaon
494771 - Nedgaon
494237 - Otenda
494777 - Padenga
494776 - Pakhanjore Camp
494665 - Panidober
494777 - Panwar
494670 - Parsoda
494334 - Pataud
494334 - Pidapal
494665 - Pondgaon
494670 - Potgaon
494776 - Pratappur
494337 - Puri
494334 - Puswada
494776 - Pv 15
494776 - Pv 26
494776 - Pv 38
494776 - Pv 9
494777 - Pv 92
494777 - Rengawahi
494336 - Sahawada
494635 - Salhe
494635 - Sambalpur
494335 - Samtara
494776 - Sangam
494665 - Sarandi
494335 - Sarona
494335 - Sarwandi
494670 - Selegaon
494237 - Shampur
494334 - Sidhesar
494665 - Siksod
494670 - Sureli
494665 - Tadoki
494670 - Talakurra
494670 - Tarandul
494336 - Tarasgaon
494635 - Tarhul
494777 - Tekameta
494335 - Thema
494635 - Traighotiya
494336 - Tuyegahan
494336 - Udkuda
494334 - Umradah
494334 - Vyas Kongera
494237 - Makdi

Kanker Pin code / Kanker Postal Code

Kanker postal code is also known as Kanker zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Kanker was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Kanker.

The pincode of Kanker consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Kanker city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Kanker from 494237 to 494777.

Kanker head post office pin code is 494334.

for example, In Kanker pin code 494776, where 494 is Kanker postal region code and 776 is  Post office Barda in the City of Kanker.

There are total 13 postal codes and 160 post offices in Kanker, Chattisgarh.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Kanker.

494334 - Pidapal
494776 - Pv 9
494777 - Panwar
494777 - Pv 92
494777 - Tekameta
494777 - Nagaldand

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Kanker India postal codes?
Kanker India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Kanker?
Kanker India STD code is 7868.

3. How many pin code in Kanker?
There are  13 pin code and 160 post offices in Kanker.

4. What is the Barda Kanker pin code?
Barda Kanker pin code is 494776

5. What is the Rengawahi Kanker pin code?
Rengawahi Kanker pin code is 494777

6. Kanker is in which state?
Kanker is a city in the state of Chattisgarh, India

What is Kanker Address Format?

Ankita Kapoor
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Kanker - Chattisgarh

What is Kanker Postal code Format?
Kanker India Postal code format