Lunglei Pin code

796770 - Kamalanagar
796770 - Saizawh
796770 - Udaisury
796770 - Udalthana
796571 - Aithur
796770 - Ajasora
796770 - Borapansury
796581 - Bualpui H
796701 - Bualte
796701 - Buarpui
796701 - Bunghmun
796710 - Bunghmun
796701 - Chandmary
796701 - Changpui
796770 - Chawngte
796571 - Chawngtui
796571 - Cherhlun
796710 - Darngawn 'W'
796571 - Darzo
796751 - Diblibagh
796691 - Haulawng
796701 - Hauruang
796691 - Hnahchang
796571 - Hnahthial
796701 - Hrangchalkawn
796770 - Jarulsury
796751 - Kajoisury
796710 - Kawnpui 'W'
796701 - Kikawn
796710 - Laisawral
796770 - Lawngtl
796571 - Leite
796701 - Lungchem
796701 - Lunglawn
796701 - Lunglei
796571 - Lungleng 'S'
796701 - Mualcheng 'S'
796571 - Muallianpui
796691 - Mualthuam 'N'
796751 - Nunsury
796571 - Pangzawl
796751 - Puankhai
796691 - Pukpui
796691 - Ralvawng
796691 - Ramlaitui
796571 - Rawpui
796751 - S.Chawilung
796571 - S.Vanlaiphai
796710 - Sachan
796701 - Sazaikawn
796691 - Serkawn
796701 - Sertlangpui
796710 - Sesawm
796770 - Sumsilui
796571 - Tarpho
796701 - Tawipui 'N'
796701 - Tawipui 'S'
796701 - Theiriat
796701 - Thenhlum
796571 - Thiltlang
796701 - Thingfal
796571 - Thingsai
796581 - Thingsai
796701 - Thualthu
796701 - Thuampui
796751 - Tiperaghat
796751 - Tlabung
796751 - Tuichawng
796751 - Tuikawi
796571 - Tuipui 'D'
796701 - Vaisam
796701 - Vanhne
796701 - Zobawk
796751 - Zodin
796691 - Zohnuai
796691 - Zotlang
796701 - Belthei
796571 - Bualpui H
796701 - Darngawn 'W'
796701 - Kawnpui 'W'
796701 - Lungrang 'S'
796701 - Lungsen
796701 - Phairuangkai
796701 - Rangte
796701 - Rualalung
796701 - Sachan
796701 - Sesawm
796701 - Zawlpui

Lunglei Pin code / Lunglei Postal Code

Lunglei postal code is also known as Lunglei zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Lunglei was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Lunglei.

The pincode of Lunglei consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Lunglei city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Lunglei from 796571 to 796770.

Lunglei head post office pin code is 796571.

for example, In Lunglei pin code 796710, where 796 is Lunglei postal region code and 710 is  Post office Sachan in the City of Lunglei.

There are total 7 postal codes and 88 post offices in Lunglei, Mizoram.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Lunglei.

796581 - Thingsai
796751 - Tuikawi
796770 - Saizawh
796770 - Sumsilui
796770 - Udalthana
796770 - Kamalanagar

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Lunglei India postal codes?
Lunglei India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Lunglei?
Lunglei India STD code is 372.

3. How many pin code in Lunglei?
There are  7 pin code and 88 post offices in Lunglei.

4. What is the Sachan Lunglei pin code?
Sachan Lunglei pin code is 796710

5. What is the Udaisury Lunglei pin code?
Udaisury Lunglei pin code is 796770

6. Lunglei is in which state?
Lunglei is a city in the state of Mizoram, India

What is Lunglei Address Format?

Manish Rao
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Lunglei - Mizoram

What is Lunglei Postal code Format?
Lunglei India Postal code format