Ujjain Pin code

465449 - Dehriyakulmi
465449 - Dogargaon
465449 - Loharia
465449 - Saliakhedi
465449 - Soyat Khurd
456224 - Chapakhedi
456006 - Kagdikaradia
456776 - Aajdawada
456441 - Aajmabad
456222 - Akasoda
456224 - Akya Jagir
456221 - Alot Jagir
456771 - Amla
456006 - Amodiya
456771 - Asawata
456337 - Aslavada
456337 - Badagaon
456776 - Badagaon
456661 - Badkummed
456770 - Baghera
456222 - Baledi
456776 - Baloda Lakkha
456222 - Bamnapati
456335 - Banbana
456771 - Bangred
456440 - Bappiya
456443 - Barkheda Buzurg
456335 - Barkheda Pitramal
456221 - Barkheda Madan
456771 - Barnagar Bunglow
456771 - Barnagar
456771 - Barnagar Town
456224 - Batlawdi
456221 - Bedavan
456440 - Berchha
456770 - Berchhi
456224 - Bhainsoda
456331 - Bhatisuda
456224 - Bhatkhedi
456313 - Bhatpachlana
456313 - Bhikampur
456665 - Bichrod
456771 - Birakhedi
456331 - Birlagram Nagda
456664 - Bolasa
456224 - Buranabad
456665 - Chadawad
456664 - Chandesara
456224 - Chapaner
456222 - Chikli
456006 - Chintaman Jawasia
456313 - Chirola Chhota
456313 - Chirola
456443 - Chitavad
456222 - Dangwada
456440 - Delchi Buzurg
456550 - Dhabla Hardu
456443 - Dharakheda
456550 - Dungarkheda
456331 - Durgapura
456668 - Etawa
456550 - Ghattia
456224 - Ghinoda
456550 - Ghonsla
456222 - Ghudawan
456441 - Gogakheda
456003 - Goyalabujurg
456222 - Harnawada
456661 - Harsodhan
456335 - Hatai
456441 - Indokh
456222 - Ingoria
456550 - Jagoti
456337 - Jahagirpur
456771 - Jalodia
456550 - Jalwa
456770 - Jawasia Kumar
456006 - Jethal
456441 - Jharda
456550 - Jhitarkhedi
456440 - Jhutawad
456664 - Kachnariya
456441 - Kachria
456668 - Kadoudiya
456003 - Kaliadeh
456006 - Kaluheda
456313 - Kamthana
456770 - Kanardi
456770 - Kanasia
456224 - Kanwas
456668 - Kapeli
456665 - Karanj
456770 - Karedimataji
456006 - Karohan
456665 - Kathbarod
456665 - Kaytha
456224 - Kesaria
456550 - Keson
456224 - Khachraud Rs
456224 - Khachraud
456665 - Khajuria
456222 - Khandoda
456222 - Kharsod Khurd
456313 - Kharsodkalan
456443 - Khedakhajuria
456776 - Khedavada
456441 - Kundikheda
456441 - Lalgarh
456337 - Lekoda Anjana
456006 - Lekoda
456771 - Lohana
456441 - Lotiyajunarda
456313 - Madawda
456443 - Mahu
456550 - Mahudi
456337 - Makdavan
456668 - Makdone
456441 - Makla
456550 - Malikhedi
456006 - Mangrola
456664 - Matana Kalan
456331 - Mehatvas
456440 - Mehidpur Road
456443 - Mehidpur
456771 - Molana
456335 - Nagda Town
456335 - Nagda
456770 - Nainawad
456222 - Nalva
456668 - Nanded
456313 - Nandiyasi
456313 - Narsingarh
456664 - Narwar (Ujjain)
456664 - Nauganwa
456006 - Navakheda
456550 - Nazarpur
456222 - Nimboda
456006 - Ninora
456665 - Nogaova
456224 - Pachlasi
456771 - Palduna
456337 - Palsoda Makdavan
456006 - Panbihar
456006 - Panthpiplai
456550 - Parsoli
456221 - Paslod
456550 - Pat
456771 - Peerjhalar
456006 - Pipliahama
456337 - Piploda Baghla
456664 - Piploda Dwarkadhish
456771 - Piplu
456006 - Ratadia
456441 - Rnayarapeer
456335 - Rohil Khurd
456003 - Rooi
456668 - Roopakhedi
456224 - Run Kheda
456776 - Runija
456335 - Rupeta
456440 - Sagwali
456770 - Samgi
456337 - Sandla
456443 - Semliya
456443 - Shakkar Khedi
456224 - Shrivatsa
456222 - Sijavta
456003 - Sodang
465449 - Soyat Kalan
456665 - Sumrakheda
456776 - Sundarabad
456006 - Surasa
456337 - Suwasa
456661 - Tajpur (Ujjain)
456006 - Takwasa
456006 - Talod
456665 - Tarana
456668 - Tilawad
456550 - Tulaheda
456440 - Tutiya Khedi
456003 - Ujjain Bherugarh
456006 - Ujjain City
456006 - Ujjain Factory
456006 - Ujjain Gujrati Samaj
456010 - Ujjain Kothi
456010 - Ujjain M.L.Nagar
456010 - Ujjain Madhonagar
456010 - Ujjain Rishi Nagar
456001 - Ujjain
456010 - Ujjain Nanakheda
456006 - Ujjain Nayapura
456006 - Ujjain Ramghatmarg
456010 - Ujjain Vikram University
456550 - Ujjainiya
456006 - Undasa
456221 - Unhel

Ujjain Pin code / Ujjain Postal Code

Ujjain postal code is also known as Ujjain zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Ujjain was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Ujjain.

The pincode of Ujjain consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Ujjain city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Ujjain from 456001 to 465449.

Ujjain head post office pin code is 456001.

for example, In Ujjain pin code 456771, where 456 is Ujjain postal region code and 771 is  Post office Barnagar in the City of Ujjain.

There are total 23 postal codes and 196 post offices in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Ujjain.

456313 - Madawda
456776 - Aajdawada
465449 - Loharia
465449 - Saliakhedi
465449 - Soyat Khurd
465449 - Dehriyakulmi

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Ujjain India postal codes?
Ujjain India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Ujjain?
Ujjain India STD code is 734.

3. How many pin code in Ujjain?
There are  23 pin code and 196 post offices in Ujjain.

4. What is the Barnagar Ujjain pin code?
Barnagar Ujjain pin code is 456771

5. What is the Soyat Kalan Ujjain pin code?
Soyat Kalan Ujjain pin code is 465449

6. Ujjain is in which state?
Ujjain is a city in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India

What is Ujjain Address Format?

Vijay Sharma
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Ujjain - Madhya Pradesh

What is Ujjain Postal code Format?
Ujjain India Postal code format