West Singhbhum Pin code

833105 - Porahat
833214 - Andhari
833105 - Asantalia
833202 - Asura
833204 - Bagabilla
833104 - Baikera
833102 - Baipee
833214 - Balandia
833214 - Balibandh
833102 - Barabamboo
833204 - Barachiru
833221 - Baraiburu
833221 - Barajamda
833214 - Barajamni
833215 - Barajhinkpani
833204 - Baralagia
833204 - Baralagra
833201 - Bari Bazar
833103 - Bari
833204 - Barkella
833204 - Barkundia
833104 - Barposh
833214 - Benisagar
833214 - Bensakaranjia
833102 - Bhalupani
833105 - Bhalurungi
833204 - Bharbharia
833204 - Bhoya
833103 - Bila
833201 - Chaibasa Ho
833102 - Chainpur Khas
833102 - Chakradharpur Bazar
833102 - Chakradharpur Colony
833102 - Chakradharpur
833106 - Chiria
833102 - Chirubera
833204 - Chittimitti
833106 - Chotanagra
833215 - Dalki
833212 - Danguaposi
833214 - Dhobadhobin
833204 - Dholadih
833204 - Dopai
833104 - Dumrita
833106 - Gangda
833204 - Ghagri
833204 - Gitilipi
833103 - Goilkera
833105 - Golmunda
833102 - Gopinathpur
833213 - Gua
833204 - Guira
833204 - Gulia
833214 - Gumuria
833214 - Hatgamaria
833102 - Hathia
833102 - Hesalkuti
833102 - Hurangda
833204 - Icha
833203 - Jagannathpur
833214 - Jaintgarh
833214 - Jamdih
833102 - Jamid
833105 - Jarakel
833204 - Jhalak
833102 - Jharjharia
833215 - Jhinkpani
833204 - Jmp Chowk
833217 - Jojo Camp
833102 - Jojokurma
833218 - Joteya
833103 - Kairam
833214 - Karanjia
833203 - Kasira
833204 - Kathbari
833102 - Kera
833102 - Keraikela
833204 - Keshargaria
833214 - Khairbandh
833214 - Khairpal
833204 - Khedchalan
833204 - Kheriatangar
833204 - Khuntpani
833214 - Khurpose
833222 - Kiriburu Base Camp
833203 - Kochra
833204 - Kokcho
833218 - Kotgarh
833105 - Kuira
833214 - Kumardungi
833214 - Kundiadhar
833104 - Lailor
833102 - Landupada
833105 - Lonjo
833102 - Lotapahar
833102 - Mahulpani
833214 - Majhgaon
833104 - Makranda
833203 - Maluka
833104 - Manoharpur So West Singhbhum
833223 - Meghahatuburu
833204 - Nakahasa
833102 - Nakti
833215 - Naogaon
833204 - Narsanda
833214 - Nashram
833218 - Noamundi Bazar
833217 - Noamundi
833102 - Otar
833204 - Pandrasali
833214 - Parsagar Keshna
833104 - Patherbasa
833204 - Pilka
833104 - Posiata
833214 - Punga
833215 - Purnapani
833204 - Purunia
833104 - Rajanand Pur
833104 - Robkera
833102 - Roladih
833204 - Roro
833214 - Ruia
833106 - Salai
833204 - Sarda
833102 - Sarjamhatu
833214 - Sindri Guiya
833202 - Singhpokharia
833214 - Siyaljora
833105 - Sonua
833215 - Sringgesia
833215 - Surjabasa
833204 - Tantnagar
833202 - Tata College Chaibasa
833214 - Tbdumuria
833204 - Tekrahatu
833204 - Tentra
833203 - Todanghatu
833102 - Toklo
833215 - Tonto
833204 - Tonto
833103 - Tuniagajpur
833102 - Unchibita
833104 - Urkia

West Singhbhum Pin code / West Singhbhum Postal Code

West Singhbhum postal code is also known as West Singhbhum zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in West Singhbhum was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of West Singhbhum.

The pincode of West Singhbhum consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the West Singhbhum city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in West Singhbhum from 833102 to 833223.

West Singhbhum head post office pin code is 833201.

for example, In West Singhbhum pin code 833214, where 833 is West Singhbhum postal region code and 214 is  Post office Punga in the City of West Singhbhum.

There are total 18 postal codes and 143 post offices in West Singhbhum, Jharkhand.

Here are some most popular postal codes in West Singhbhum.

833102 - Otar
833215 - Sringgesia
833221 - Baraiburu
833221 - Barajamda
833223 - Meghahatuburu
833218 - Kotgarh

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a West Singhbhum India postal codes?
West Singhbhum India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of West Singhbhum?
West Singhbhum India STD code is 6582.

3. How many pin code in West Singhbhum?
There are  18 pin code and 143 post offices in West Singhbhum.

4. What is the Punga West Singhbhum pin code?
Punga West Singhbhum pin code is 833214

5. What is the Kiriburu Base Camp West Singhbhum pin code?
Kiriburu Base Camp West Singhbhum pin code is 833222

6. West Singhbhum is in which state?
West Singhbhum is a city in the state of Jharkhand, India

What is West Singhbhum Address Format?

Madhav Gupta
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
West Singhbhum - Jharkhand

What is West Singhbhum Postal code Format?
West Singhbhum India Postal code format