Di Yogyakarta Postal code

About Di Yogyakarta

People in Indonesia live in the city of Yogyakarta, which is the capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. It is in the southern part of the island of Java. Because Yogyakarta is the only Indonesian royal city that is still run by a monarchy, it is thought to be a great place for classical Javanese fine arts and culture like ballet, batik textiles and drama. There are many schools and universities in Yogyakarta, which is one of the most important places in Indonesia for learning. Gadjah Mada University is the country's biggest university and one of its most prestigious. Gedung Agung was the president's office in the Gedung Agung building in Yogyakarta. It was the Indonesian capital from 1946 to 1948. When the Mataram Sultanate was in power from 1587 to 1613, Kotagede was the capital of the country. This is how the city looked in 2010 and 2020: 388,627 people lived there. At the end of 2010, it had 4,010,436 people living in it. This included the city of Magelang and 65 districts in Sleman, Klaten, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Magelang Regency. It has one of the highest Human Development Indexes in Indonesia, which shows how well people are living in their country. To quickly boost the economy, a plan for the second phase of the Indonesia high-speed train through Southbound is being developed from Bandung to Yogyakarta and Solo. Construction is expected to start in 2020, and the project is expected to be finished by 2024.

What is Di Yogyakarta Address Format?

Ade Supriyanto
Jl. Sudirman No. 123
Kulon Progo 55611
Di Yogyakarta Indonesia

What is Di Yogyakarta Zipcode Format?
Di Yogyakarta Indonesia Postal code format