Kalimantan Selatan Postal code
South Kalimantan is a province of Indonesia. It is called Kalimantan Selatan in Indonesia. It is the smallest province in Kalimantan, which is the Indonesian part of Borneo. After 15 February 2022, the official capital of the province was moved to Banjarbaru. It was called Banjarmasin until that date. At the 2010 Census, the population of South Kalimantan was just over 3.625 million people. At the 2020 Census, the population will be 4.07 million people. The Makassar Strait in the east, Central Kalimantan in the west and north, the Java Sea in the south, and East Kalimantan in the north make up the province of Kalimantan. The province also includes the island of Laut, which is off the eastern coast of Kalimantan and is a part of the province. The province is made up of 11 cities and 11 towns. It is traditional for the Banjar people to live in South Kalimantan, but some parts of East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan are also part of this. However, South Kalimantan, especially the city of Banjarmasin, has always been the centre of Banjarese culture. There are a lot of Banjarese people who have moved to other parts of Indonesia and to other countries, like Singapore and Malaysia. Many other ethnic groups also live in the province, such as several groups of the Dayaks, who live mainly inside. The Javanese also live there because of the Dutch colonial era's Transmigration programme. In the 5th or 6th century, the Kingdom of Tanjung Puri was built in South Kalimantan. This made the history of the area very important. This kingdom is located at the foot of the Meratus Mountains and on the banks of a big river, which makes it a good place to build a city in the future. Soon after, the Kingdom of Negara Dipa was built by people from Java. This kingdom was almost wiped out by an attack from Java in the 15th century, but it survived. The new dynasty led by Maharaja Sari Kaburangi took the throne right away and moved the centre of government to Muhara Rampiau, which is near the sea. This way, the kingdom could be saved. The Kingdom of Dipa was not completely destroyed, so it changed its name to the Kingdom of Negara Daha. When Raden Samudra took up arms from the direction of the estuary, there was a power struggle. At the same time, he set up a settlement for the patih who were living in the estuary. This town would be the first of Banjarmasin, which is now a city. Raden Samudra changed his name to Sultan Suriansyah on September 24, 1526, with help from Mangkubumi Aria Taranggana. He also changed the name of Negara Daha to the Sultanate of Banjar. As a thank you, Banjar at first paid homage to the Sultanate of Demak. In the middle of the 16th century, that state came to an end. Banjar didn't have to pay tribute to the new power in Java, the Sultanate of Pajang, and so it didn't have to pay. Banjar became a popular place to make and sell pepper in the first few years of the 17th century. Soon, almost all of the southwest, southeast, and eastern parts of the island of Kalimantan were paying homage to the sultanate. People who lived in north Java at the time were called Banjar people, and Sultan Agung of Mataram wanted to colonise parts of Kalimantan in 1622. The plan was scrapped because there were not enough resources. A lot of Europeans started to come to the area around 16th century. The Dutch built a trade post in the area, but the British took it away during the Napoleonic Wars. After the war was over, the British gave the region back to the Dutch. There were new events in South Kalimantan when people began to fight against the Dutch. In the end, the Dutch broke up the sultanate, and Prince Antasari led the fight against them. Sultan Muhammad Seman, who became the sultanate's leader, died in the fight. Afterwards, the Dutch had full control over South Kalimantan, which was then called Kalimantan. Japanese forces took over the region in 1942, which led to the three years of torture before the Japanese surrendered in 1945. The Dutch briefly came back to take control, but this caused a lot of people across the country to fight back. 1949 was the last year the Dutch were there, and the new Indonesian government took over the area they had controlled. South Kalimantan is known as the Land of Lambung Mangkurat because it has a lot of people who live there (Indonesian: Bumi Lambung Mangkurat). Kingdom of Dipa had two kings: Lambung Mangkurat, or Lambu Mangkurat in Banjarese, was the second king of the Kingdom of Dipa (the forerunner of the Banjar Sultanate). Immigrant merchant Ampu Jatmaka, also known as Mpu Jatmaka or Empu Jatmika, was the first king of Dipa around 1380 or 1387. His son, Lambung Mangkurat, took over the throne and became the new king.
Aris Munandar
Jl. Sudirman No. 123
Tanah Laut 70811
Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia