Maluku Utara Postal code
North Maluku is in Indonesia. North Maluku is a part of the country. In this part of the Maluku Islands, you can find the Pacific Ocean to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Molucca Sea to the south, and the Molucca Sea to the north. The provincial capital is Sofifi, which is on the largest island of Halmahera. The largest city is Ternate, which is on the island of Ternate. According to a census taken in 2010, there were just over 1 million people living in North Maluku. By 2020, that number had risen to 1,282,937. This makes North Maluku one of Indonesia's least populous provinces. North Maluku used to be the centre of the four largest Islamic sultanates in the eastern Indonesian archipelago, which were Bacan, Jailolo, Tidore, and Ternate. They were called the Moloku Ki Raha (the Four Mountains of Maluku). At the beginning of the 16th century, Europeans started coming to North Maluku. The Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch were all competing for trade there. In the end, the Dutch came out on top, kicking off three centuries of Dutch rule in the area. During World War II, the Japanese took over the area, and Ternate became the centre of Japanese rule in the Pacific. It became part of the province of Maluku after Indonesia became an independent country in 1949. On October 12, 1999, North Maluku became a separate province from Maluku (province). Since Ternate was its main city until 2010, when the provincial government moved to Sofifi, it was its "real" capital. North Maluku's economy is mostly based on agriculture, fisheries, and other types of marine products. Copra, nutmeg, cloves, fisheries, gold, and nickel are some of the main things that keep the economy moving in North Maluku. North Maluku grows rice, corn, roasted sweet potatoes, beans, coconut, potatoes, nutmeg, sago, and eucalyptus. In the past, the term Maluku meant the four royal centres in North Maluku, which were Ternate, Tidore, Bacan, and Jailolo. It was called Moloku Kie Raha, which means "Four Mountains of Maluku." This type of confederation, which most likely began in the 14th century, was called Moloku Kie Raha. It didn't start out that way. The four kingdoms later expanded and covered the whole North Maluku region, as well as parts of Sulawesi and New Guinea, but they didn't start out that way. Ternate, Tidore, and the other three main clove-producing islands to the west of Halmahera are the only ones that this only talked about here. Both Moti and Makian. Bacan in the south, and Jailolo on Halmahera in the north, were also often part of Maluku Proper. The four kingdoms formed a ritual quadripartite with ties to local cosmology. Experts aren't sure how the word Maluku came to be. Most people think the word Maluku comes from the Arabic phrase Jaziratul Muluk, which means "The Land of the Kings" (muluk is the plural form of malik, which means king). Ambon, Banda, and other groups of islands that weren't ruled by a king at the time weren't part of what was meant when people used the word "islands." A fourteenth-century Majapahit poem called Nagarakretagama refers to it as "the head of a bull," "the head of something big," or "the head of a bull." The name Majapahit may have come from the Arabic word. In fact, the term is used in texts from the 14th century, before there is likely to have been a lot of Arab influence, which makes this etymology in question. Also, the name Maluku could be based on the idea that Maluku Kie Raha means "Maluku Kie Raha." There are four of them, and "kie" means mountain. They are talking about the four mountains in Ternate: Tidore, Bacan, and Jailolo (Halmahera), each of which has its own kolano (a type of bread). "Moloku" here means to grasp or hold. The word "Moloku Kie Raha" means "four mountain." However, the root word "loku" comes from a local Malay creole word for a unit, so it isn't an original word in the original language of the country. Another idea is the word "Maloko," which is made up of "Ma," which stands for support, and "Loko," which stands for an area. This word is made up of the words. "Maloko Kie Raha" is a phrase that means "the place or world with four hills."
Ika Puspita
Jl. Sudirman No. 123
Halmahera Barat 97751
Maluku Utara Indonesia