Konawe Utara Postal code

93311 - Asera
93341 - Lasolo Kepulauan
93341 - Oheo
93342 - Wawolesea
93342 - Wiwirano
93343 - Langgikima
93343 - Wiwirano
93350 - Lembo
93351 - Andowia
93351 - Langgikima
93351 - Molawe
93352 - Lasolo
93353 - Andowia
93353 - Landawe
93353 - Molawe
93354 - Lembo
93354 - Oheo
93355 - Asera
93355 - Motui
93355 - Sawa
93356 - Andowia
93356 - Motui
93357 - Sawa
93358 - Motui
93359 - Molawe
The postal code of Konawe Utara Indonesia ranges from 93311 to 93359 and there are total 14 postal codes. Konawe Utara Postal code consists of 5-digit code and the format is XXXX, where first 3-digit represents the City code and last 2-digit represents the delivery area. The postal code system of Konawe Utara was introduced by Pos Indonesia.
What is Konawe Utara Address Format?

Arif Rahman
H.No #226 Street Name
Konawe Utara - 93311

What is Konawe Utara Zipcode format?
Example of Kode Pos or Postal code of Konawe Utara and Address format