Al Anbar Postal code

About Al Anbar 

Al Anbar Governorate  often known as Anbar Province, is Iraq's biggest governorate by area. It has borders with Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia and encompasses a large portion of the country's western region. Ramadi is the province capital; other significant cities include Fallujah and Al-Qa'im.
Up to 1976, when it was renamed Al Anbar Province, the governorate was known as Ramadi; before to 1962, it was known as Dulaim. The province's residents are mostly Sunni Muslims, with the majority belonging to the Dulaim tribe, all of whom speak Arabic.
In early 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) started a successful campaign to capture control of the province from the Iraqi government, aided by local Sunni militia. The Iraqi government launched a series of offensive efforts to oust ISIL from the region — the Anbar campaign (2015–16), the Western Anbar assault (September 2017), and the 2017 Western Iraq campaign. By the end of 2017, the region has been successfully reclaimed.
The governorate's name translates as "storage" or "silo" in Persian. This was the last stop/warehouses along the ancient Silk Road on its way to Syria. This is a pre-Islamic name. The governorate's name is derived from a mediaeval city that was previously situated on its land and the remnants of which can still be seen 5 kilometres northwest of Fallujah, near the city of Saqlawiyah. This city of Anbr or Peroz-Shapur was built in the third century by the Muntherids and was the second-largest in Iraq prior to the Arab invasion in 634. It was abandoned in the 14th century during the Mongol invasion. A pseudo-authentication is presented by claiming that the name is Arabic and refers to "granaries" in the language; also, the term Anbar () is proposed to be the plural of Nbr (), which means "grains." In actuality, neither Nbr nor frequently used contemporary Arabic does not signify grain in classical or mediaeval Arabic. The term was already in use from pre-Islamic times, under Sasanian sovereignty over Iraq, long before Arabic supplanted Aramaic as the country's primary language.

Dulaim was the governorate's original name, owing to the Dulaim tribe's presence in the area. During the Ottoman time, it was also known as Liwa Al-Dulaim ( ) and Sanjak Al-Dulaim in the seventeenth century.

What is Al Anbar Address Format?

Ahmed Khaled Al-Mahdi
House No. #145 Street Name
Al Quqa - Al Anbar

What is Al Anbar Zipcode Format?
Al Anbar Iraq Postal code format