Kuwait Postal code
Kuwait Postal Code / Kuwait Zipcode
The postal code system in Kuwait consists of five digits.
The first digit is represents the governorate/Region,
the second and third digits represent the postal sector, and the fourth and fifth digits represent the delivery area. in Kuwait there are the six governorates for the postal codes delivery.
Al Ahmadi: 61000 - 62999
Al Farwaniyah: 70000 - 72999
Al Asimah: 10000 - 12999
Al Jahra: 80000 - 82999
Hawalli: 30000 - 32999
Mubarak Al-Kabeer: 53000 - 54999
The postal service in Kuwait is operated by the General Postal Corporation (Kuwait Post), which was established in 1983.
What is Kuwait address format?
Home Delivery:
Hamad Abdallah Hassan
Parcelle 4, rue 3, immeuble 11
54404 KUWAIT
Post Box Delivery
Hamad Abdallah Hassan
B.P. 48001
54551 KUWAIT
What is Kuwait Zipcode Format?

Useful Information:-
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 386 Postal Code In Kuwait
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 4.3Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Kuwait City
- Dialing Code :-965