Moldova Postal code
Moldova Postal Code
It is necessary to collect Moldovan postal codes in alphanumeric format by searching for MD-2001 on Google and copying the results. Typical Moldovan postal codes are made of the letters MD followed by a dash followed by four numbers, for example, MD-2001 for Chisinau, Moldova.
The first digit designates a specific postal zone, whereas the other digits designate smaller administrative divisions or districts, and even individual streets, inside the municipal region.
What is Moldova address format?
Home Delivery:
Cucu Vasile
Str. Eminescu, nr. 25/1, ap. 14
Post Box Delivery
Cucu Vasile
Kaxxa Postali 85 (Post Box)
What is Moldova Zipcode Format?

Useful Information:-
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 1223 Postal Code In MoldovA
- Postal Code Type :- 4-digit
- Toal Population :- 3.4Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Chisinau
- Dialing Code :-373