Paraguay Postal code
Paraguay Zipcode / Paraguay Postal Code
Paraguay uses a six-digit postal code system known as "Codigo Postal" or "CP". The first two digits represent the postal zone area,The middle two digits represent the city or district, the last two digits represent the sector/post office area.
The postal service in Paraguay is operated by Correo Paraguayo, the national postal administration. It is responsible for delivering mail and packages throughout the country.
Postal zones | Regions |
00 | Asuncion (Capital) |
01 | Concepcion |
02 | San Pedro |
03 | Cordillera |
04 | Guaira |
05 | Caaguazu |
06 | Caazapa |
07 | Itapua |
08 | Misiones |
09 | Paraguari |
10 | Alto Parana |
11 | Central |
12 | Neembucu |
13 | Amambay |
14 | Canindeyu |
15 | Presidente Hayes |
16 | Boqueron |
17 | Alto Paraguay |
What is Paraguay address format?
Mr Juan Perez - 0981400525
Estrella N340, casi Yegros
Edif. Espana, Bloque A
Piso 3, Depto. 10
What is Paraguay Zipcode Format?

Useful Information:-
- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 250 Postal Code In Paraguay
- Postal Code Type :- 6-digit
- Toal Population :- 6.9Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Asuncion
- Dialing Code :-595