Saudi Arabia Postal code
Saudi Arabia Postal Code
In Saudi Arabia, postal codes are referred to as post codes, postal codes, PIN/ ZIP codes, and they consist of a certain amount of numbers, alphabets, spaces, and occasionally punctuation.
Saudi Arabia's post codes, on the other hand, are numerical and were implemented by the Saudi Postal Corporation (Saudi Post). In general, street and house numbers are not assigned in the country, which created several complications when mailing any object from town to town, business to home, and vice versa. The postal code system was then devised and designed to eliminate any misunderstanding and to streamline the system. Initially, the method was developed in European countries and was adopted by the United States Postal Service on July 1, 1963. It later expanded and evolved in every nation, including Saudi Arabia.
In Saudi Arabia, postcodes are created based on the country's eight administrative areas, with each city or state assigned a unique number code that appears at the beginning of a postcode. These regions and their boundaries are as follows:
Riyadh Region 1
Makah Region 2
Eastern Province Region 3
Medina and Tabuk 4
Qasim and Haíl 5,
Asir, Najran and Bahah collectively 6
Northern Borders and Jawf 7, Jizan 8.
Administrative areas generally have different postal codes than postal regions due to transportation and topographical issues.
Additionally, the postal code is comprised of two components. The first component has five numbers separated by a hyphen, with the inclusion of four more digits to increase the clarity and precision of the Saudi National Address, totaling nine digits. For instance, Riyadh's basic and universal postal code is 22334, but Turaif's is 446788 with the mot accuracy of 3444-00000.
Mohammed Ali Al-Ahmed
8228 Imam Ali Road
Riyadh 12345-6789
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 115 Postal Code In Saudi Arabia
- Postal Code Type :- 9-digit
- Toal Population :- 37Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Riyadh
- Dialing Code :-966