Senegal Postal code
Senegal Postal Code / Senegal Zip Code
Senegal , Officially the Republic of Senegal , is a country in West Africa. Country has a 14 region. In Senegal, the postal code system is known as "Code Postal. Senegal introduced a Postal Code service in 2003, consisting of 5 digits(like - 99999). The first digit indicates the delivery zone, the second and third the post office and the final two the distribution point. The final two digits of the postal code depend on the recipient. Postal codes ending 00 are to residences. Those with the final digits 22, 23 or 24 are for delivery to post office boxes. Postal codes ending in the digits 51 to 99 are for apostchancea deliveries (post office boxes installed in neighbourhoods). There are no postal codes commencing 0 or 9.
The postal service in Senegal, it is managed by La Poste, which is the national postal operator.
Monsieur Amadou Diop
Appartement 12
Residence Fallou Ndiaye
12 Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop
12500 Dakar

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- -
- Postal Code Type :-
- Toal Population :- 17.8Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Dakar
- Dialing Code :-221