Algeria Postal code
Algeria Postal Code
Postal code in Algeria also know Algeria zipcode, Algeria postal code system was developed by the Algerie Poste in 2002, Algeria used a 5-digit XXXXX postal code system to identify the graphical area and locate places in Algeria. where first 2-digit represent the proviance and the last three digit post office in the city.
There are more than 3K+ Postal code and 16K+ Post office in Algeria.
Below are major city in Algeria range of zip code.
Batna zip code from 05000 to 05131
Bejaia zip code from 06000 to 06110
Bejaia zip code from 06000 to 06110
Bouira zip code from 10000 to 10097
Tlemcen zip code from 13000 to 13082
Tizi-Ouzou zip code from 15000 to 15160
Alger zip code from 16000 to 16809
Setif zip code from 19000 to 19801
Medea zip code from 26000 to 26800
Mostaganem zip code from 27000 to 27049
Mascara zip code from 29000 to 29076
Boumerdes zip code from 35000 to 35062
Tipaza zip code from 42000 to 42064
Ain-Defla zip code from 44000 to 44059
Relizane zip code from 48000 to 48073
1. How many digits are there in a Algeria postal codes?
Algeria used a 5-digit postal code system
2. How many Postal code in Algeria
There are total 3162 Postal code in Algeria
M. Said Mohamed
2, rue de l'Independance

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 3162 Postal Code In Algeria
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 45.6Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Algiers
- Dialing Code :-213