Bhutan Postal code
Bhutan Postal Code / Bhutan Zip code
Bhutan Postal code also called "Bhutan Postcode ", Bhutan postal code system was developed by BhutanPost to identify the graphical area and locate places in Bhutan, well established postal system in the world and the Bhutan's postal code consists of five-digit number, using a format of NNNNN, and there is no separating character, example: 11001 The first digit denotes the province or district, followed by zero or more digits that denote both street address and post office box number together with four digits that indicate geographical location from east to west
Bhutan is a landlocked country in South Asia. Bhutan is one of the happiest countries on earth due to its high levels of economic security, education, and natural beauty. The Bhutan Postal Code system was introduced on June 24, 1974, by Druk P.O which is an institution of the State Postal System under the Ministry of Communications and Works. It aims to provide efficient service delivery for people within Bhutan through an organized postal system by providing effective mail services with speed and accuracy to all customers across Bhutan at affordable rates.
There is total 41 Postal code in Bhutan.
1. What is the format of a Bhutan postal code?
Bhutanese postal code is a 5-digit (NNNNN) postal code system.
2. does Bhutan have zip code?
Bhutanese zip code is similar to postal code in Bhutan.
Tenzin Wangchuk
Chang Lam, JD House
Flat No. 2B
Zone 4
Thimphu 11001

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 41 Postal Code In Bhutan
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 0.8Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Thimphu
- Dialing Code :-975