Egypt Postal Code
Egypt Postal Code / Egypt Zip Code
The Egypt Postal code, also known as the Egypt Post code, is a 5-digit numeric code used by the Egyptian Post for mail delivery. This code, often referred to as the postal code Egypt or egypt postal cod, helps identify specific locations in Egypt, such as the cairo postal code or the giza egypt postal code. The first digit of the code represents the region, while the second signifies the province. The third digit indicates the type of service, and the last two digits represent the delivery area or the post office, like the new cairo postal code or the postal code alexandria egypt. Any Egyptian post office will be able to provide the correct postal code or zip code, such as the cairo zip code or the zip code cairo, for the desired location.
There were more than 120,000 post offices in operation in Egypt.
Egypt Post is the governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt. Established in 1865, it is one of the oldest governmental institutions in the country.
Here are some postal codes of major cities in Egypt:
Cairo: Postal codes in Cairo can range from 11311 to 11865.
Alexandria: Postal codes in Alexandria can range from 21111 to 21599.
Giza: Postal codes in Giza can range from 12511 to 12967.
Shubra El Kheima: Postal codes in Shubra El Kheima can range from 13511 to 13529.
Suez: Postal codes in Suez can range from 43511 to 43529.
Egypt address format
Mr. Mohamed Azmal
31, Rue Ahmed Orabi
GIZA - 1241
Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud
30, Rue Ahmed Orabi
GIZA - 12411

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 3823 Postal Code In Egypt
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- 112.7Million (May2023)
- Capital Name :-Cairo
- Dialing Code :-20