Katherine Postcode

0821 - Winnellie
0822 - Acacia Hills
0822 - Angurugu
0822 - Anindilyakwa
0822 - Annie River
0822 - Bathurst Island
0822 - Bees Creek
0822 - Belyuen
0822 - Black Jungle
0822 - Blackmore
0822 - Border Store
0822 - Burrundie
0822 - Bynoe
0822 - Bynoe Harbour
0822 - Camp Creek
0822 - Channel Island
0822 - Charles Darwin
0822 - Charlotte
0822 - Claravale
0822 - Cobourg
0822 - Collett Creek
0822 - Coomalie Creek
0822 - Cox Peninsula
0822 - Croker Island
0822 - Daly River
0822 - Darwin Mc
0822 - Darwin River Dam
0822 - Delissaville
0822 - Douglas-Daly
0822 - East Arm
0822 - East Arnhem
0822 - Elrundie
0822 - Eva Valley
0822 - Finniss Valley
0822 - Fleming
0822 - Fly Creek
0822 - Freds Pass
0822 - Galiwinku
0822 - Glyde Point
0822 - Goulbourn Island
0822 - Goulburn Island
0822 - Gunbalanya
0822 - Gunn Point
0822 - Hayes Creek
0822 - Hidden Valley
0822 - Hotham
0822 - Hughes
0822 - Kakadu
0822 - Koolpinyah
0822 - Lake Bennett
0822 - Lambells Lagoon
0822 - Litchfield Park
0822 - Livingstone
0822 - Lloyd Creek
0822 - Mandorah
0822 - Maningrida
0822 - Maranunga
0822 - Margaret River
0822 - Mcminns Lagoon
0822 - Mickett Creek
0822 - Middle Point
0822 - Milingimbi
0822 - Millwood
0822 - Milyakburra
0822 - Minjilang
0822 - Mount Bundey
0822 - Murrumujuk
0822 - Nauiyu
0822 - Nemarluk
0822 - Nganmarriyanga
0822 - Nguiu
0822 - Numbulwar
0822 - Numburindi
0822 - Oenpelli
0822 - Peppimenarti
0822 - Pirlangimpi
0822 - Point Stephens
0822 - Point Stuart
0822 - Pularumpi
0822 - Pulumpa
0822 - Rakula
0822 - Ramingining
0822 - Robin Falls
0822 - Rum Jungle
0822 - Sandpalms Roadhouse
0822 - Southport
0822 - Stapleton
0822 - Thamarrurr
0822 - Tipperary
0822 - Tivendale
0822 - Tiwi Islands
0822 - Tortilla Flats
0822 - Tumbling Waters
0822 - Umbakumba
0822 - Vernon Islands
0822 - Virginia
0822 - Wadeye
0822 - Wagait Beach
0822 - Wak Wak
0822 - Warruwi
0822 - Weddell
0822 - West Arnhem
0822 - Wickham
0822 - Winnellie
0822 - Wishart
0822 - Woolaning
0822 - Wurrumiyanga
0840 - Dundee Beach
0840 - Dundee Downs
0840 - Dundee Forest
0845 - Batchelor
0846 - Adelaide River
0847 - Pine Creek
0850 - Cossack
0850 - Emungalan
0850 - Katherine
0850 - Katherine East
0850 - Katherine South
0850 - Lansdowne
0851 - Katherine
0852 - Arnold
0852 - Baines
0852 - Barunga
0852 - Beswick
0852 - Beswick Creek
0852 - Binjari
0852 - Birdum
0852 - Bradshaw
0852 - Buchanan
0852 - Bulman Weemol
0852 - Creswell
0852 - Daguragu
0852 - Daly Waters
0852 - Delamere
0852 - Dunmarra
0852 - Edith
0852 - Edith River
0852 - Elsey
0852 - Elsey Station
0852 - Florina
0852 - Flying Fox
0852 - Gregory
0852 - Gulung Mardrulk
0852 - Gurindji
0852 - Helen Springs Station
0852 - Jilkminggan
0852 - Kalkarindji
0852 - Kalkaringi
0852 - Katherine
0852 - Lajamanu
0852 - Larrimah
0852 - Limmen
0852 - Manbulloo
0852 - Maranboy
0852 - Mataranka
0852 - Mcarthur
0852 - Miniyeri
0852 - Ngukurr
0852 - Nitmiluk
0852 - Numbulwar
0852 - Pellew Islands
0852 - Pigeon Hole
0852 - Robinson River
0852 - Sturt Plateau
0852 - Tanami East
0852 - Timber Creek
0852 - Top Springs
0852 - Uralla
0852 - Venn
0852 - Victoria River
0852 - Victoria River Downs
0852 - Warumungu
0852 - Wave Hill
0852 - Wilton
0852 - Yarralin
0853 - Tindal
0853 - Tindal Raaf
0854 - Borroloola
0854 - King Ash Bay
0886 - Jabiru
0906 - Winnellie
0907 - Winnellie

Katherine Post code

Katherine postcode is also know as Katherine zip code, Katherine Australia postal code system was introduced by the Postmaster-Generals Department (PMG) in 1967. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Katherine postcode used a 4-digit postal code XXXX. Today, all these are managed by AustraliaPost.

There are total 14 Postcode and 182 Post offices in Katherine Australia. Smallest postcode is 821 and largest postcode is 907.


1. How many digits are there in a Katherine Australia postal codes?
Katherine Australia used a 4-digit postal code system.

2. What is the post code for Winnellie, Katherine?
Winnellie, Katherine post code is 821.

3. What is the postal code for Daly River, Katherine?
Daly River, Katherine post code is 822.

4. What is the postal code for Victoria River, Katherine?
Victoria River, Katherine post code is 852.

What is Katherine Address Format?

Ethan Wilson
Level 17, 300 Flinders Street
Katherine NT-822

What is Katherine Postcode Format?
Katherine Australia Postal code format