Launceston Postcode
Launceston Post code
Launceston postcode is also know as Launceston zip code, Launceston Australia postal code system was introduced by the Postmaster-Generals Department (PMG) in 1967. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Launceston postcode used a 4-digit postal code XXXX. Today, all these are managed by AustraliaPost.
There are total 31 Postcode and 183 Post offices in Launceston Australia. Smallest postcode is 7211 and largest postcode is 7303.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Launceston Australia postal codes?
Launceston Australia used a 4-digit postal code system.
2. What is the post code for Cleveland, Launceston?
Cleveland, Launceston post code is 7211.
3. What is the postal code for Riverside, Launceston?
Riverside, Launceston post code is 7250.
4. What is the postal code for Exton, Launceston?
Exton, Launceston post code is 7303.
Emily White
33 Northumberland Avenue
Launceston TAS-7250