Outback - North East Postcode
Outback - North East Post code
Outback - North East postcode is also know as Outback - North East zip code, Outback - North East Australia postal code system was introduced by the Postmaster-Generals Department (PMG) in 1967. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Outback - North East postcode used a 4-digit postal code XXXX. Today, all these are managed by AustraliaPost.
There are total 20 Postcode and 199 Post offices in Outback - North East Australia. Smallest postcode is 5432 and largest postcode is 5734.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Outback - North East Australia postal codes?
Outback - North East Australia used a 4-digit postal code system.
2. What is the post code for Belton, Outback - North East?
Belton, Outback - North East post code is 5432.
3. What is the postal code for North Moolooloo, Outback - North East?
North Moolooloo, Outback - North East post code is 5732.
4. What is the postal code for Macumba, Outback - North East?
Macumba, Outback - North East post code is 5734.
Oscar Carter
81 Cleveland Street
Outback - North East SA-5732