Mato Grosso Do Sul Postal code

79000-000 - Campo Grande
79130-000 - Rio Brilhante
79140-000 - Nova Alvorada do Sul
79150-000 - Maracaju
79170-000 - Sidrolandia
79180-000 - Ribas do Rio Pardo
79190-000 - Terenos
79200-000 - Aquidauana
79210-000 - Anastacio
79215-000 - Dois Irmaos do Buriti
79220-000 - Nioaque
79230-000 - Guia Lopes da Laguna
79240-000 - Jardim
79260-000 - Bela Vista
79270-000 - Caracol
79280-000 - Porto Murtinho
79290-000 - Bonito
79300-000 - Corumba
79370-000 - Ladario
79380-000 - Miranda
79390-000 - Bodoquena
79400-000 - Coxim
79410-000 - Pedro Gomes
79415-000 - Sonora
79420-000 - Camapua
79430-000 - Bandeirantes
79440-000 - Jaraguari
79450-000 - Rochedo
79460-000 - Corguinho
79470-000 - Rio Negro
79480-000 - Rio Verde de Mato Grosso
79490-000 - Sao Gabriel do Oeste
79500-000 - Paranaiba
79530-000 - Alcinopolis
79540-000 - Cassilandia
79550-000 - Costa Rica
79560-000 - Chapadao do Sul
79570-000 - Aparecida do Taboado
79580-000 - Inocencia
79590-000 - Selviria
79600-000 - Tres Lagoas
79670-000 - Brasilandia
79680-000 - agua Clara
79690-000 - Santa Rita do Pardo
79700-000 - Fatima do Sul
79710-000 - Vicentina
79720-000 - Jatei
79730-000 - Gloria de Dourados
79740-000 - Ivinhema
79745-000 - Novo Horizonte do Sul
79750-000 - Nova Andradina
79760-000 - Bataypora
79765-000 - Taquarussu
79770-000 - Anaurilandia
79780-000 - Bataguassu
79785-000 - Angelica
79790-000 - Deodapolis
79800-000 - Dourados
79880-000 - Douradina
79890-000 - Itapora
79900-000 - Ponta Pora
79910-000 - Antonio Joao
79920-000 - Laguna Carapa
79925-000 - Paranhos
79930-000 - Aral Moreira
79935-000 - Sete Quedas
79940-000 - Caarapo
79950-000 - Navirai
79955-000 - Juti
79960-000 - Iguatemi
79965-000 - Itaquirai
79970-000 - Eldorado
79975-000 - Tacuru
79980-000 - Mundo Novo
79985-000 - Japora
79990-000 - Amambai
79995-000 - Coronel Sapucaia

Mato Grosso do Sul Postal code

Mato Grosso do Sul postal code is also know as Mato Grosso do Sul CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Mato Grosso do Sul postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.

There are total 77 Postal code in Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil. for example postal code of Mato Grosso do Sul 79680-000, where 79 is Mato Grosso do Sul postal region code and 680 is agua Clara code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.


1. How many digits are there in a Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil postal codes?
Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.

2. What is the postal code for Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul?
Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul postal code is 79190-000.

3. What is the postal code for Tres Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul?
Tres Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul postal code is 79600-000.

About Mato Grosso Do Sul

Mato Grosso do Sul is one of the states in Brazil that are in the middle of the country. Mato Grosso, Goias, Minas Gerais, So Paulo, and Parana are some of the neighbouring states in Brazil. People who live in Paraguay and Bolivia are also close by. The main source of income for the state is farming and raising cattle. On its southern border, the Tropic of Capricorn can be seen. This means that, on most days, Mato Grosso do Sul has a warm, humid climate. It is also crossed by many tributaries of the Parana River, which flows through it. There are 1.3 million people there, and they make 1.5 percent of the GDP in Brazil. People from both inside and outside the country come to visit the state because of its natural beauty. The Pantanal lowlands cover 12 municipalities and have a wide range of plants and animals. There are forests, natural sand banks, savannahs, open pasture, fields, and bushes. Bonito is in the mountain of Bodoquena. There are prehistoric caves, natural rivers, waterfalls, swimming pools, and the Blue Lake cave in the city. The name Mato Grosso do Sul is in Portuguese and means ""Southern Thick Bush."" It comes from its northern neighbour state, Mato Grosso, which it was part of until the 1970s, when it split off. People often mistakenly call Mato Grosso do Sul ""Mato Grosso"" instead of Mato Grosso do Sul. ""Pantanal"" and ""Maracaju"" were also suggested as names for the new country, both at the time of the split and after (a reference to the Maracaju Mountain Range that crosses the state from north to south).

What is Mato Grosso Do Sul Address Format?

Marina Alves
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31
agua Clara
Mato Grosso Do Sul

What is Mato Grosso Do Sul Zipcode Format?
Mato Grosso Do Sul Brazil Postal code format