Sergipe Postal code

49000-000 - Aracaju
49100-000 - Sao Cristovao
49120-000 - Itaporanga dAjuda
49130-000 - Riachuelo
49140-000 - Barra dos Coqueiros
49160-000 - Nossa Senhora do Socorro
49170-000 - Laranjeiras
49180-000 - Santo Amaro das Brotas
49190-000 - Pirambu
49200-000 - Estancia
49220-000 - Araua
49230-000 - Santa Luzia do Itanhy
49250-000 - Indiaroba
49260-000 - Umbauba
49270-000 - Cristinapolis
49280-000 - Tomar do Geru
49290-000 - Itabaianinha
49300-000 - Tobias Barreto
49320-000 - Riachao do Dantas
49350-000 - Pedrinhas
49360-000 - Boquim
49390-000 - Salgado
49400-000 - Lagarto
49480-000 - Simao Dias
49490-000 - Poco Verde
49500-000 - Itabaiana
49512-000 - Pedra Mole
49514-000 - Frei Paulo
49517-000 - Pinhao
49520-000 - Campo do Brito
49525-000 - Sao Domingos
49530-000 - Ribeiropolis
49535-000 - Sao Miguel do Aleixo
49540-000 - Nossa Senhora Aparecida
49550-000 - Carira
49560-000 - Moita Bonita
49565-000 - Macambira
49570-000 - Malhador
49580-000 - Areia Branca
49600-000 - Nossa Senhora das Dores
49630-000 - Siriri
49640-000 - Santa Rosa de Lima
49650-000 - Divina Pastora
49660-000 - Cumbe
49670-000 - Feira Nova
49680-000 - Nossa Senhora da Gloria
49690-000 - Monte Alegre de Sergipe
49700-000 - Capela
49740-000 - Carmopolis
49750-000 - General Maynard
49760-000 - Rosario do Catete
49770-000 - Maruim
49780-000 - Muribeca
49790-000 - Aquidaba
49800-000 - Porto da Folha
49810-000 - Poco Redondo
49820-000 - Caninde de Sao Francisco
49830-000 - Gararu
49860-000 - Gracho Cardoso
49870-000 - Itabi
49880-000 - Canhoba
49890-000 - Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
49900-000 - Propria
49910-000 - Telha
49920-000 - Amparo de Sao Francisco
49930-000 - Cedro de Sao Joao
49940-000 - Malhada dos Bois
49945-000 - Sao Francisco
49950-000 - Japoata
49960-000 - Japaratuba
49970-000 - Pacatuba
49980-000 - Neopolis
49985-000 - Santana do Sao Francisco
49990-000 - Ilha das Flores
49995-000 - Brejo Grande

Sergipe Postal code

Sergipe postal code is also know as Sergipe CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Sergipe Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Sergipe postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.

There are total 75 Postal code in Sergipe Brazil. for example postal code of Sergipe 49920-000, where 49 is Sergipe postal region code and 920 is Amparo de Sao Francisco code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.


1. How many digits are there in a Sergipe Brazil postal codes?
Sergipe Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.

2. What is the postal code for Tobias Barreto, Sergipe?
Tobias Barreto, Sergipe postal code is 49300-000.

3. What is the postal code for Tomar do Geru, Sergipe?
Tomar do Geru, Sergipe postal code is 49280-000.

About Sergipe

Sergipe is a state in Brazil. It is called the State of Sergipe. Sergipe is the smallest state in Brazil by area, with an area of 21,910 square kilometres (8,460 square miles), which is only bigger than the Federal District. It is in the northeast region of the country, near the Atlantic coast. It is on the south and west, and it is on the north. Sergipe is next to Bahia and Alagoas. Aracaju is the capital and the largest city in the state. The state is made up of 75 municipalities, and each one has its own mayor. The state has 1.1 percent of the people in Brazil, but only 0.6 percent of the GDP.

What is Sergipe Address Format?

Fernanda Santos
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31
Amparo de Sao Francisco

What is Sergipe Zipcode Format?
Sergipe Brazil Postal code format