Tocantins Postal code
Tocantins Postal code
Tocantins postal code is also know as Tocantins CEP (Codigo de Enderecamento Postal), Tocantins Brazil postal code system was introduced by the Correios (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos) in 1993. for making it easier to sort and send mail, Tocantins postal code used a 8-digit postal code XXXXX-XXX.
There are total 139 Postal code in Tocantins Brazil. for example postal code of Tocantins 77693-000, where 77 is Tocantins postal region code and 693 is Abreulandia code and last 3-digit 000 delivery area code.
FAQ:-1. How many digits are there in a Tocantins Brazil postal codes?
Tocantins Brazil used a 8-digit postal code system.
2. What is the postal code for Wanderlandia, Tocantins?
Wanderlandia, Tocantins postal code is 77860-000.
3. What is the postal code for Xambioa, Tocantins?
Xambioa, Tocantins postal code is 77880-000.
About Tocantins
Tocantins is one of the states in Brazil. State: It was created in 1988 and covers what used to be the northern two-fifths of the state of Goias. It is the youngest state. Tocantins is 277,620.91 square miles and had an estimated population of 1,496,880 people in 2014. Palmas, the states capital, was built in 1989. Most of the other cities in the state were built during the Portuguese colonial era. Araguana is the only big city in the state, but there arent many other cities that have a lot of people. The government has put money into a new capital, a big hydroelectric dam, railroads, and other things to help this mostly agricultural area grow. There are 0.75% of the Brazilians living in the state, and they make up 0.50% of the countrys GDP. Hundreds of thousands of people have moved to Tocantins, mostly to Palmas. It is making use of its hydropower resources to grow. The Araguaia and Tocantins rivers flow through the largest watershed in all of Brazil. In order to make hydropower, the Rio Tocantins has been dammed. This has made a huge reservoir that is now a popular place to go for fun. Because Tocantins is in the middle of the country, it has a lot of things from the Amazon Basin, as well as cerrado, which is a type of grassland. You can find Bananal Island (Ilha do Bananal), a large island in the southwest of Brazil. It is the second-largest island in the world thats made of mud and water. Also in Tocantins are the Araguaia National Park and the Carajas Indian reservations. Jalapo State Park, which is about 160 miles from Palmas, is in the same area. There, the dry landscape is oases because of the rivers. Ecotourists flock to the area because of this. The name ""Tocantins"" refers to the Tocantins River, which itself comes from the Tupi language words tuk, ""toucan,"" and t, ""beak.""
Marina Alves
Avenida JoAO Jorge, 112, Ap. 31