Keryneia Postal code
kyrenia is one of the six districts in Cyprus. Its main city is Kyrenia, and it is in the middle of the island. It is the smallest district in Cyprus, and it is the only one that is controlled by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The same territory is run as the de facto Girne District, which is a separate entity. Famagusta District is on the east and the south-east. It is to the south of Nicosia District. A lot of the north coast, with the cities of Kyrenia, Lapethos, and Karavas, is in this area of Cyprus. Also, the Kyrenia Mountains, which look out over the coast, have the castles of St. Hilarion and Buffavento. It's different from the parts of Nicosia, Famagusta, and Larnaca controlled by Northern Cyprus, which are split into five of its six districts. The boundaries of Cyprus' Kyrenia District, on the other hand, are the same as those of Northern Cyprus' de facto Girne District. At Ledra Palace, there's a district administration in exile. There's a kaymakam in the district run by the TRNC. Kyrenia is a city on the northern coast of Cyprus. It is famous for its old harbour and castle. It is in the hands of Northern Cyprus, at least in the short term. People have lived there before, but the city of Kyrenia was built by Greeks called Achaeans from the Peloponnese, who came to Cyprus after the Trojan War (1300 BC). According to Greek mythology, the Achaeans Cepheus and Praxandrus built Kyrenia. After the Trojan War, they found their way to Kyrenia. Kyrenia is the name of a city in Greece called Achaia. The heroes named the new city after their own city, Kyrenia. At some point between AD 1 and AD 1, a castle was built in what is now known as "the First Century." It became more important after the 9th century because of the castle's safety, and it played a big role under the Lusignan rule because the city never gave up. The castle was last changed by the Venetians in the 15th century. The city was taken over by the Ottoman Empire in 1571. In 1831, the city's population was almost evenly split between Muslims and Christians. There was a slight majority of Muslims in the city. However, when the British took over Cyprus, many Turkish Cypriots fled to Anatolia, and the town became mostly Greek Cypriots. While there was little intercommunal violence in the city, about 2,650 Greek Cypriots fled or were forced out after Turkey invaded in 1974. Currently, the city is home to Turkish Cypriots, Turkish settlers from the mainland, and British expats. It has a municipal population of 33,207. Kyrenia is a cultural and economic centre in Northern Cyprus. It is also known as the tourism capital of the country. It has a lot of hotels, a lot of nightlife, and a lot of port space in it. Hundreds of people from all over the world come to this city every year for a culture and arts festival. It has three universities with a student population of about 14,000 people.
Maria Ioannou
22 Makariou Street
9000 - Keryneia