Czech Republic Postal code
Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic) Postal Code
Czechoslovakia's postal codes for Czechs and Slovaks were adopted in 1973 and are valid to this day. The postal code system's initial number corresponds to Czechoslovakia's pre-1960 boundaries. The postal code is Potovn smerovac slo in Czech and Potové smerovacie slo in Slovenian. They are administered by eská pota and Slovenská pota and have five digits in the format xxx yy. The first two digits indicate the partition of the country. The postal codes begin with a number to denote the territory to the west of the country and increase in size as they approach the east. Slovak ZIP codes begin with a zero or a nine. The middle or eastern half of Slovakia is represented by postal codes beginning with zero, whereas the western countries are represented by postal codes beginning with nine.
Here is a comprehensive list of cheaters neighbourhoods:
1 Praha 1 Hlavn msto
2 The Stedoesk kraj
3 kraj and kraj Jihoesk Zapadocesky
4 kraj Severocesky
5 Vychodocesky kraj and the region of South Moravia
6 Moravia Sud
7 kraj Severomoravsky
8 Slovakia, Bratislava Region
9 Slovakia: Západoslovensk kraj and Stredoslovensk kraj (western section).
0 Eastern Slovakia: Stredoslovensk kraj and Vychodoslovensky kraj
Prague's CAP is between 00 100 and 00 199, Pilsen's ZIP code is 00,301, and Brno's postal code is 602 00. Bratislava's CAP is located between 00 800 and 00 899, and Presov's zip code is 080 01.
Prvni Informacni
Josef Novak
Brnenska 2256/16
123 07 Jitrnice
Czech Republic

- Toal Postal Code in Country:- Total 96 Postal Code In Czech Republic
- Postal Code Type :- 5-digit
- Toal Population :- NA
- Capital Name :-Prague (official, legislative and executive)
- Dialing Code :-420