Sucumbios Postal code
People live in the province of Sucumbios in the north of Ecuador. New Loja is the capital and the largest city (normally referred to as Lago Agrio). If you live in the fifth largest province in the country, you'll have 18,084 km2 to work with. It had 176,472 people living there in 2010. Tungurahua is a stratovolcano that is still active in Ecuador. It is in the Cordillera Oriental. To name a province, you have to think of a place where a big volcano stands. Volcanic activity started again on August 19, 1999, and has been going on since then. There have been several major eruptions since then, the last of which started on February 1, 2014. According to one theory, the name Tungurahua comes from the Quichua words for "throat" and "fire." This means "Throat of Fire." Based on this other theory, the word "crater" in the Quichua language is "uraua," which means "hole." Also known as "The Black Giant," Tungurahua is said to be called Mama Tungurahua by local indigenous people ("Mother Tungurahua").
Natalia Andrea Hernandez
Siman BolaVar 12-55Y
210752 - Waters Negras