Giza Postal Code
Giza Postal Code / Giza Zip Code
238 Total numbe of Postal code in Giza Egypt
About Giza
City: Giza is the second-largest in Egypt and the fourth-largest in Africa. It is also the third largest in the world. There are 9.2 million people in the Giza Governorate as of 2021. It is the capital of the Giza Governorate. It is on the west bank of the Nile, about 4.9 km (3 miles) southwest of the centre of Cairo. It is part of the Greater Cairo metropolitan area. Memphis (Men-nefer) was the capital of the first unified Egyptian state from the time of the first pharaoh, Narmer. Giza is less than 30 km (18.64 miles) from the city. Giza is best known for the Giza Plateau, which is home to some of the most impressive ancient monuments in the world, including the Great Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and a number of other large pyramids and temples. Giza has always been a big part of Egypt's history because it is close to Memphis, the capital of the Old Kingdom. Giza's Coptic Catholic Eparchy is led by its St. George Cathedral; it's also called "St. George Cathedral." The city of Giza is the capital of the Giza Governorate. It is near the northeastern border of this governorate, and it is called Giza. The population of the city was 2,681,863 in the 2006 national census, and the governorate had 6,272,571 at the same time. The city was not named in the census. The first figure is the sum of 9 kisms. It's possible that Giza isn't even a city at all. In typical Egyptian fashion, there are two districts called Giza in the same Governorate: a kism/qasm and a markiz. There are 9 urban kisms in the Giza Governorate that make up a total area of 98.4 km2 on the Nile next to Cairo, and they make up a total area of 4,146,340 people in the 2017 census, not including the Al-awmidiyah kism. 9 urban kisms aren't clear if they're part of a single entity. The structure may be similar to that of 23 wards in Tokyo, where all local units are just subordinate to the Prefecture of Tokyo without any intermediate municipal structure.
Ibrahim Khalil
Flat 4, Building 7, 26th Street
Giza first 12511
Giza Egypt