Nordfriesland Postal code | Nordfriesland Postleitzahl

25813 - Husum
25813 - Schwesing
25813 - Simonsberg
25813 - Sudermarsch
25821 - Almdorf
25821 - Bredstedt
25821 - Breklum
25821 - Reubenkoge
25821 - Sonnebull
25821 - Struckum
25821 - Vollstedt
25826 - Sankt Peter-Ording
25832 - Kotzenbull
25832 - Tonning
25836 - Garding
25836 - Grothusenkoog
25836 - Katharinenheerd
25836 - Kirchspiel Garding
25836 - Osterhever
25836 - Poppenbull
25836 - Vollerwiek
25836 - Welt
25840 - Friedrichstadt
25840 - Koldenbuttel
25842 - Bargum
25842 - Langenhorn
25842 - Lutjenholm
25842 - Ockholm
25845 - Elisabeth-Sophien-Koog
25845 - Nordstrand
25849 - Pellworm
25850 - Behrendorf
25850 - Bondelum
25852 - Bordelum
25853 - Ahrenshoft
25853 - Bohmstedt
25853 - Drelsdorf
25855 - Haselund
25856 - Hattstedt
25856 - Hattstedtermarsch
25856 - Wobbenbull
25858 - Hogel
25859 - Hooge
25860 - Arlewatt
25860 - Horstedt
25860 - Olderup
25862 - Goldebek
25862 - Goldelund
25862 - Joldelund
25862 - Kolkerheide
25863 - Langeneb
25864 - Lowenstedt
25866 - Mildstedt
25869 - Grode
25870 - Norderfriedrichskoog
25870 - Oldenswort
25872 - Ostenfeld
25872 - Wittbek
25873 - Oldersbek
25873 - Rantrum
25875 - Schobull
25876 - Fresendelf
25876 - Hude
25876 - Ramstedt
25876 - Schwabstedt
25876 - Suderhoft
25876 - Wisch
25878 - Drage
25878 - Seeth
25881 - Augustenkoog
25881 - Tating
25881 - Tumlauer Koog
25881 - Westerhever
25882 - Tetenbull
25884 - Norstedt
25884 - Sollwitt
25884 - Viol
25885 - Ahrenviol
25885 - Ahrenviolfeld
25885 - Immenstedt
25885 - Oster-Ohrstedt
25885 - Wester-Ohrstedt
25887 - Winnert
25889 - Uelvesbull
25889 - Witzwort
25899 - Bosbull
25899 - Dagebull
25899 - Galmsbull
25899 - Klixbull
25899 - Niebull
25917 - Achtrup
25917 - Enge-Sande
25917 - Leck
25917 - Sprakebull
25917 - Stadum
25917 - Tinningstedt
25920 - Risum-Lindholm
25920 - Stedesand
25923 - Braderup
25923 - Ellhoft
25923 - Holm
25923 - Humptrup
25923 - Lexgaard
25923 - Suderlugum
25923 - Uphusum
25924 - Emmelsbull-Horsbull
25924 - Friedrich-Wilhelm-Lubke-Koog
25924 - Klanxbull
25924 - Rodenas
25926 - Bramstedtlund
25926 - Karlum
25926 - Ladelund
25926 - Westre
25927 - Aventoft
25927 - Neukirchen
25938 - Alkersum
25938 - Borgsum
25938 - Dunsum
25938 - Midlum
25938 - Nieblum
25938 - Oevenum
25938 - Oldsum
25938 - Suderende
25938 - Utersum
25938 - Witsum
25938 - Wrixum
25938 - Wyk Auf Fohr
25946 - Nebel
25946 - Norddorf
25946 - Wittdun
25980 - Rantum
25980 - Sylt-Ost
25980 - Westerland
25992 - List
25996 - Wenningstedt
25997 - Hornum
25999 - Kampen

Nordfriesland postal code is also known as Nordfriesland Postleitzahl, In Nordfriesland there are total 137 Postal codes, and the postal code range is 25813 to 25999. Nordfriesland postal code consists of a 5-digit postal code, and format XXXXX, the first 2 digits represent the province code, and the last 3 digits represent the delivery district code. The postal service in Nordfriesland is primarily managed by Deutsche Post.


Q. What is the length of postal codes in Nordfriesland Germany?

The postal code length of Nordfriesland, Germany is 5-digit, and the format is XXXXX

Q. How Many postal codes in Nordfriesland Germany?

There are 137 postal codes, Nordfriesland postal codes range from 25813 to 25999.

What is Nordfriesland Address Format?

Luisa Krause
47 Ulrich-von-Hutten- Street
25999 - Kampen

What is Nordfriesland Postal code Format?
Nordfriesland Germany Postal code format