Francisco Morazan Postal code
In Honduras, Francisco Morazan, or FMO, is a part of the country. It is in the middle of the country. The capital of the department is Tegucigalpa, which is also the capital of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is what it was known as before it changed its name to San Juan in 1943. It was named after a hero of the country, Francisco Morazan. Mountain ranges are covered with pine forests that are mostly rocky and mostly clay in the department. The department is very hilly. There are valleys like Guaimaca, Talanga, and Amarateca that are found between the ranges of land. Many of the high mountain peaks have cloud forests, like La Tigra National Park or Cerro Uyuca, which are both national parks. A Pacific dry forest grows in the extreme southeast of the department. The Montaa de la Flor, which is home to the Jicaque people, can be found in the northern part of the department. It has a total surface area of 7,946 km2 (3,068 sq mi) and an estimated population of 1,680,700 people in 2005. Tegucigalpa is the capital and largest city in Francisco Morazan Department. The coat of arms and department flag are the same as those in the capital.
Mario Enrique Castro
27 Tamarind Drive
ZAMBRANO - 11101
Francisco Morazan