Ocotepeque Postal code
Ocotepeque is one of the 18 departments of Honduras in Central America. It is in the West and borders both El Salvador and Guatemala, and it is in the middle of the country. From a part of Copan, it was formed in 1906. New Ocotepeque is the capital and main city. 1,630 km2 make up the department's total surface area. In 2015, it was thought that 151,516 people lived there. There is a town called Ocotepeque in the department of Ocoteque in Honduras. New Ocotepeque is the seat of government in Nueva Ocotepeque, which is also the city's capital. The department borders Guatemala and El Salvador, and it has 1,630 km2. A lot of it is in the mountains, and there are 111,474 people living there (2006). Its main source of income is growing coffee, corn, cabbage, sugar cane, and onions. Ocotepeque is a good place to do business because it is close to the border with El Salvador at El Poy and the border with Guatemala at Agua Caliente. It also draws people from nearby towns who come to Ocotepeque to buy things or study.
Isabela Cristina Morales
10 Calle S.O. Circunvalacin