Yoro Postal code
There are 18 departments in Honduras. Yoro is one of the 18 departments in Honduras. The department has a lot of land that is good for farming. Most of the land is in the valleys of the Aguan River and the Sula River, which are at the ends. The capital city of the department is Yoro. There are 503,886 people thought to live in the department at the time of the 2005 census. It has a total surface area of 7,939 km2. When it rains a lot, fish fall from the sky. This is called the Lluvia de Peces, or "rain of fish." Honduras' Yoro department has a population of 25,560 people in 2020. It is also the seat of the Yoro Municipality, which has a population of 25,560 people. Because of an event called "Lluvia de Peces," strong storms are said to make fish fall from the sky and land on people.
Valeria Vanessa Alvarado
128 Main St
YORO - 23101