Barpeta Pin code

781301 - Barpeta
781301 - Thakurbazar
781302 - Baharihat
781302 - Barghol
781302 - Gomafulbari
781302 - Nizbahari
781305 - Bhogdia
781305 - Chenga
781305 - Chenimari
781305 - Jatradia
781305 - Khangra
781305 - Makrikuchi
781305 - Pacim Mazdia
781307 - Amrikhowa
781307 - Barkapla
781307 - Byaskuchi
781307 - Kamalabari
781307 - Karaguri
781307 - Namsala
781307 - Nasatraphulbari
781307 - Parakuchi
781307 - Sarthebari
781308 - Baghbar
781308 - Balajan
781308 - Bhoirarpam
781308 - Chakabausi
781308 - Deoldi
781308 - Dharampur
781308 - Habidongra Bazar
781308 - Kadomtola
781308 - Mandia
781308 - Manikpur
781308 - Nirala
781308 - Pahumara
781308 - Ramaparapam
781308 - Satrakanara Bazar
781308 - Sitoli
781309 - Bhella
781309 - Bheraldi
781309 - Bhogerpar
781309 - Dhakua
781309 - Keotkuchi
781309 - Khardhara
781309 - Palhaji
781309 - Radhakuchi
781311 - Bagodi
781311 - Bhairaguri
781311 - Burikhamar
781311 - Erabamundi
781311 - Gahia
781311 - Garatari
781311 - Nagaon Bazar
781311 - Rangia Bhaithabhangahat
781311 - Raoli
781314 - Baradi
781314 - Barpalli
781314 - Bhatkuchi
781314 - Gajia
781314 - Ganakkuchi
781314 - Garaimari
781314 - Jahurpam
781314 - Jania
781314 - Jarabari
781314 - Kadang
781314 - Patbaushi
781314 - Santinagar (Barpeta)
781314 - Sonkuchi
781314 - Sundaridia
781316 - Ambari
781316 - Barbala
781316 - Dabaliapara
781316 - Ghilajari
781316 - Howly
781316 - Jasihatipara
781316 - Khatalpara
781316 - Kujarpith
781316 - Moutupuri
781316 - Sukmanah
781317 - Amguri
781317 - B Noontola
781317 - Balapet
781317 - Barnagarcollege
781317 - Bhalukadoba
781317 - C Bazar
781317 - Chachaka
781317 - Chukurngbari
781317 - Duramari
781317 - Kamargaon
781317 - Sorbhog
781317 - Suliakata
781318 - Anandabazar
781318 - Barbhitha Dolarpathar
781318 - Barmazra
781318 - Bhalaguri
781318 - Chamuagati
781318 - Chenglimari
781318 - Hudukhata
781318 - Kardoiguri
781318 - Puranbhowanipur
781318 - Rupahi
781318 - Salbari
781318 - Sarupeta
781318 - Saudarvitha
781318 - Sonafuli
781319 - Balagaon
781319 - Balikuri
781319 - Bankubhanga
781319 - Charcharia
781319 - Ghugubari
781319 - Gunialguri
781319 - Kalgachia
781319 - Langla
781319 - Niz Rampur
781319 - Sawpur
781321 - Bonghugi
781321 - Chandmama
781321 - Dp Deoldi
781321 - Ishabpur
781321 - Kapahtolichikni
781321 - Mayanbari
781321 - Patharchali Chatala
781321 - Sonabari
781321 - Tarakandi
781325 - Amdah
781325 - Bajali College
781325 - Bamakhata
781325 - Barbang
781325 - Bhakuamari
781325 - Bhethua
781325 - Bhotantasaderi
781325 - Dubi
781325 - Hathinapur
781325 - Muguria
781325 - Odalguri
781325 - Pathsala
781325 - Raypur
781326 - Bamunkuchi
781326 - Barbatabari
781326 - Gobindapur
781326 - Patacharkuchi
781328 - Baghmarabazar
781328 - Bhotanta Mohitara
781328 - Charnabazar
781328 - Kathalmurighat
781329 - Akaya
781329 - Bhogpur
781329 - Daisingri
781329 - Maripur Anandapur
781329 - Nityananda
781329 - Pubrihabari
781329 - Sarumanikpur
781329 - Tuplaipanbari
781352 - Bhowanipur
781352 - Chaparbari Bazar
781352 - Galia
781352 - Kamalpur
781352 - Kayakuchi Bazar
781352 - Khablarvitha
781352 - Kurobaha
781352 - Nakuchi Pathar
781352 - Naligaon
781352 - Paka Bet Bari Pathar
781352 - Sarutapa

Barpeta Pin code / Barpeta Postal Code

Barpeta postal code is also known as Barpeta zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Barpeta was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Barpeta.

The pincode of Barpeta consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Barpeta city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Barpeta from 781301 to 781352.

Barpeta head post office pin code is 781301.

for example, In Barpeta pin code 781328, where 781 is Barpeta postal region code and 328 is  Post office Bhotanta Mohitara in the City of Barpeta.

There are total 18 postal codes and 163 post offices in Barpeta, Assam.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Barpeta.

781309 - Keotkuchi
781329 - Tuplaipanbari
781352 - Nakuchi Pathar
781352 - Naligaon
781352 - Sarutapa
781352 - Khablarvitha

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Barpeta India postal codes?
Barpeta India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Barpeta?
Barpeta India STD code is 3665.

3. How many pin code in Barpeta?
There are  18 pin code and 163 post offices in Barpeta.

4. What is the Bhotanta Mohitara Barpeta pin code?
Bhotanta Mohitara Barpeta pin code is 781328

5. What is the Paka Bet Bari Pathar Barpeta pin code?
Paka Bet Bari Pathar Barpeta pin code is 781352

6. Barpeta is in which state?
Barpeta is a city in the state of Assam, India

What is Barpeta Address Format?

Arjun Reddy
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Barpeta - Assam

What is Barpeta Postal code Format?
Barpeta India Postal code format