Churachandpur Pin code

795006 - Aibulon
795006 - Bukpi
795006 - Bungmual
795006 - Bungpilon
795006 - Geljang
795006 - Hanship
795006 - Khajang
795006 - Kwanpui
795006 - Leijangphai
795006 - Leisan
795006 - Leison
795006 - Lingshiphai
795006 - Milongmun
795006 - Mission Compound
795006 - Mualkoi
795006 - New Lamka
795006 - Pamjal
795006 - Panglian
795006 - Parbung
795006 - Pearsonmun
795006 - Phaijang
795006 - Pherzawl
795006 - Sawaiphaih (T/C/D)
795006 - Senvon
795006 - Singjawl
795006 - Singzawl
795006 - Taithu
795006 - Takvom
795006 - Thanlon
795006 - Tingsong
795006 - Tipaimukh (P)
795006 - Tuabung
795117 - Khouwpuibung
795117 - Mual Vaiphei
795117 - Saikot
795117 - Tuikham
795117 - Tuining
795117 - Tuitengphai
795128 - Aina
795128 - Chehjang
795128 - Chingkonpang
795128 - Chothemunpi
795128 - Churachandpur
795128 - Geljang
795128 - Hamkeilon
795128 - Henglep
795128 - Kamkeilon
795128 - Kangvai Bazar
795128 - Khanpi
795128 - Kolhen
795128 - Kumbipukhri
795128 - Kwanpui
795128 - Lailong
795128 - Lungsai
795128 - Lungshung
795128 - M.Songel
795128 - Mission Compound
795128 - Munpi
795128 - Phaipheng
795128 - Saiden
795128 - Saikhul Village
795128 - Sangphou
795128 - Santing
795128 - Sielmet
795128 - South Kotlein
795128 - Takvom
795128 - Teiyong
795128 - Thangshi
795128 - Thinkew
795128 - Tollen
795128 - Tolphei
795128 - Tuinom
795128 - Tulaphei
795128 - Ukha
795139 - Behiang
795139 - Hengtam
795139 - Kangkap
795139 - Lama Camp
795139 - Lungchin
795139 - Lungthul(L.Daijang)
795139 - Mualmun
795139 - Siabu
795139 - Singhat
795139 - Songtal
795139 - Suangdoh
795139 - Vokbual

Churachandpur Pin code / Churachandpur Postal Code

Churachandpur postal code is also known as Churachandpur zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Churachandpur was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Churachandpur.

The pincode of Churachandpur consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Churachandpur city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Churachandpur from 795006 to 795139.

Churachandpur head post office pin code is 795006.

for example, In Churachandpur pin code 795128, where 795 is Churachandpur postal region code and 128 is  Post office South Kotlein in the City of Churachandpur.

There are total 4 postal codes and 87 post offices in Churachandpur, Manipur.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Churachandpur.

795006 - Pamjal
795139 - Behiang
795139 - Singhat
795139 - Songtal
795139 - Vokbual
795139 - Mualmun

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Churachandpur India postal codes?
Churachandpur India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Churachandpur?
Churachandpur India STD code is 3874.

3. How many pin code in Churachandpur?
There are  4 pin code and 87 post offices in Churachandpur.

4. What is the South Kotlein Churachandpur pin code?
South Kotlein Churachandpur pin code is 795128

5. What is the Suangdoh Churachandpur pin code?
Suangdoh Churachandpur pin code is 795139

6. Churachandpur is in which state?
Churachandpur is a city in the state of Manipur, India

What is Churachandpur Address Format?

Jaideep Gupta
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Churachandpur - Manipur

What is Churachandpur Postal code Format?
Churachandpur India Postal code format