Khargone Pin code

451001 - Adhawan
451001 - Aurangpura
451001 - Badgaon
451001 - Balakwada
451001 - Balwadi
451001 - Bamkhal
451001 - Barud Tanda
451001 - Chandanpuri
451001 - Khargone
451001 - Khargone Municipal Col.
451001 - Khargone Tawnhall
451001 - Kothakhurd
451001 - Kukdhal
451001 - Lohari
451001 - Mangral Khurd
451001 - Nagjhiri
451001 - Pandhaniya
451001 - Piprata
451001 - Singun
451001 - Sinkheda
451001 - Siptan
451001 - Temla
451001 - Temrani
451111 - Ali Bujurg
451111 - Badud
451111 - Baswa
451111 - Bhanbarad
451111 - Dhakalgaon
451111 - Dodwan
451111 - Hirapur
451111 - Khangwada
451111 - Sanawad
451111 - Satajana
451113 - Ahirkheda
451113 - Anjangaon
451113 - Badgaon
451113 - Bagda Bujurg
451113 - Bedia
451113 - Bhulgaon
451113 - Chhirwa
451113 - Kanapur
451113 - Khedi Bujurg
451113 - Mardana
451113 - Pitnagar
451113 - Rahatkot
451113 - Rawerkhedi
451113 - Rodia
451115 - Badel
451115 - Balwada
451115 - Barjhar
451115 - Barwaha
451115 - Dariya Mahal
451115 - Jagatpura
451115 - Jethway
451115 - Jhigadi
451115 - Katkut
451115 - Kithud
451115 - Mukhatyra
451115 - Nandia
451115 - Navghatkhedi
451115 - Naya
451115 - Ratanpur
451115 - Tharwar
451115 - Umaria Chowki
451220 - Bagod
451220 - Bawi
451220 - Bhudari
451220 - Ghatyabedi
451220 - Karhi
451220 - Methawa
451220 - Padlya
451220 - Vani
451221 - Bablai
451221 - Choli
451221 - Choti Khargone
451221 - Dhargaon
451221 - Karondiya
451221 - Kavdiya
451221 - Mandleshwar
451221 - Somakhedi
451221 - Thangaon
451224 - Ashapur
451224 - Badwell
451224 - Itawadi
451224 - Kharadi
451224 - Maheshwar
451224 - Makshi
451224 - Matmur
451224 - Mehatwada
451225 - Baddiya
451225 - Bhampura
451225 - Katargaon
451225 - Kodlya Khedi
451225 - Kogawan
451225 - Machalpur
451225 - Nandra
451225 - Pathrad
451225 - Piplya Buzurg
451225 - Sejgaon
451228 - Amlatha
451228 - Badi
451228 - Balkhad
451228 - Balsamund
451228 - Bamandi
451228 - Bhilgaon
451228 - Borawa
451228 - Choti Kasrawad
451228 - Dogawa
451228 - Kasrawad
451228 - Ojhara
451228 - Pipalgaon
451228 - Regwa
451228 - Satkut
451331 - Bamnala
451331 - Banjhar
451331 - Behrampur
451331 - Bhatalpura
451331 - Bhikangaon
451331 - Birul
451331 - Deola
451331 - Kaldha
451331 - Kanjhar
451331 - Lalkheda
451331 - Nargaon
451331 - Piprad
451331 - Sagur Bhagur
451331 - Saikhedi
451331 - Selda
451331 - Shakargaon
451331 - Sundrel
451331 - Tinsya
451332 - Abhapuri
451332 - Chainpur
451332 - Chiriya
451332 - Goradia
451332 - Helapadawa
451332 - Igriya
451332 - Jhirnia
451332 - Padlya
451332 - Ratanpur
451332 - Shivana
451335 - Andad
451335 - Dasnawal
451335 - Dayalpura
451335 - Ghugharya Khedi
451335 - Gogawa
451335 - Kamodwada
451335 - Khamkheda
451335 - Mohammadpur
451335 - Multhan
451335 - Rehgaon
451335 - Thibgaon
451335 - Vithnera
451440 - Gandhawal
451440 - Likhi
451440 - Nandgaon
451440 - Pipari
451440 - Raibidpur
451440 - Satawad
451440 - Shri Khandi
451440 - Surpala
451440 - Talakpura
451440 - Un (West Nimar)
451441 - Bahadarpur
451441 - Banher
451441 - Bhagwanpur
451441 - Bhagyapur
451441 - Bistan
451441 - Damkheda
451441 - Dhulkot
451441 - Kabri
451441 - Mongargaon
451441 - Penpur
451441 - Pipaljhopa
451441 - Samarpat
451441 - Sirwel
451441 - Umarkhali
451442 - Chitawal
451442 - Dasnawal
451442 - Dongargaon
451442 - Ghegaon
451442 - Golwadi
451442 - Keli
451442 - Lehaku
451442 - Lonara
451442 - Rasgaon
451442 - Segaon (West Nimar)
451447 - Badgaon
451447 - Chikliya
451447 - Danod
451447 - Haribad
451447 - Matali
451447 - Menimata
451447 - Palsud
451447 - Pipari Bujurg
451447 - Rajpur Barwani
451447 - Rangaon Deb
451447 - Revaja
451447 - Sangaon
451447 - Sustikheda
451447 - Upla
451447 - Wajhar
451770 - Bandhara Bujurg
451770 - Dondwada
451770 - Jalgone
451770 - Junapani
451770 - Kansul
451770 - Moida
451770 - Niwali
451770 - Pansemal

Khargone Pin code / Khargone Postal Code

Khargone postal code is also known as Khargone zip code, the pincode (Postal Index Number) system in Khargone was introduced by the Indiapost in the year 1972 to identify the geographical area and to locate different places of Khargone.

The pincode of Khargone consists of 6-digit postal code following the format XXXXXX, in this format first three digits represent the district region code and the last three digits represent the number of pin code in the Khargone city. Each pincode may have many post office within city. Range of pin code in Khargone from 451001 to 451770.

Khargone head post office pin code is 451001.

for example, In Khargone pin code 451001, where 451 is Khargone postal region code and 001 is  Post office Khargone Tawnhall in the City of Khargone.

There are total 17 postal codes and 210 post offices in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh.

Here are some most popular postal codes in Khargone.

451224 - Mehatwada
451447 - Sangaon
451770 - Kansul
451770 - Moida
451770 - Pansemal
451770 - Jalgone

FAQ: -

1. How many digits are there in a Khargone India postal codes?
Khargone India used a 6-digit postal code system.

2. What is the std code of Khargone?
Khargone India STD code is 7282.

3. How many pin code in Khargone?
There are  17 pin code and 210 post offices in Khargone.

4. What is the Khargone Tawnhall Khargone pin code?
Khargone Tawnhall Khargone pin code is 451001

5. What is the Niwali Khargone pin code?
Niwali Khargone pin code is 451770

6. Khargone is in which state?
Khargone is a city in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India

What is Khargone Address Format?

Ravi Joshi
123 Kamla Nagar, MG Road
Khargone - Madhya Pradesh

What is Khargone Postal code Format?
Khargone India Postal code format